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"What could it be other than a terror attack?": The condition of Or who was stabbed in Jerusalem is serious, but stable | Israel Hayom

7/21/2023, 11:00:50 AM

Highlights: Or Weiner, 25, was seriously wounded in a stabbing attack in Jerusalem yesterday. He arrived at the hospital with one knife lodged in his back, in his spine. Two other knives were found at the scene. His condition is still serious, but stable and he will expect a very long rehabilitation. Neighbors heard that the three who stabbed Or were minorities. The search for three minorities involved in the incident continues. The family members do not understand why the police do not admit that it was a terrorist attack.

"We are waiting for someone in the police to talk to us," said Boaz Weiner, the uncle of Or Sayer, who was stabbed in the Gilo neighborhood • "He will expect a very long rehabilitation" • One of the detainees released, searches for three suspects

"Arrived at the hospital with the knife in his back": There is growing suspicion that the stabbing attack yesterday (Thursday) in Jerusalem, in which 25-year-old Or Weiner was seriously wounded, was a terrorist attack.

Suspected terrorist attack in Jerusalem // Photo: Yoni Rikner

One of the suspects who was arrested was released after it became clear that he had no connection to the attack. The search for three minorities involved in the incident continues.

Boaz Weiner, Or's uncle, said that Or arrived at the hospital with one knife lodged in his back, in his spine. Two other knives were found at the scene. "Or was stabbed about 20 times by three people. At the hospital, they had to operate on him in emergency surgery to stabilize his condition, and with the knife still lodged in his back and only when a neurologist arrived did they remove the knife. His condition is still serious, but stable and he will expect a very long rehabilitation," he said.

The family members do not understand why the police do not admit that it was a terrorist attack. Neighbors heard that the three who stabbed Or were minorities. In addition, Shin Bet personnel arrived at the scene. "Or is an outstanding student of chemistry and biology at the Hebrew University. and works in the laboratories of the university. He's a good boy. Apart from getting up in the morning and going to school, work and sitting on the computer, he doesn't do anything. He doesn't even go out. He has no conflict with anyone. What else could it be besides an attack," says the uncle.

He said that Or, who lives in the Gilo neighborhood, had completed a university exam yesterday and was on his way to his grandmother's house, who also lives in the neighborhood, to help her when the three attacked him and began stabbing him in the upper body. "We're waiting for someone in the police department to talk to us. We were told yesterday that a minority officer would talk to us. We're still waiting."

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