The Limited Times

Economy leaders hold protest rally in Jerusalem, Leumi CEO warns: "Investors are worried and are stopping investments" | Israel Hayom

7/21/2023, 3:40:42 PM

Highlights: More than 150 businessmen and senior figures demonstrated at the government compound in Jerusalem against the promotion of the legal reform. Dana Azrieli: "We all - the heads of the entire economy - call on you from here - to stop the unilateral legislation" Dov Kotler, CEO of Bank Hapoalim: "It is not enough to sing "We have no other country", it is also very important to dive deep into the statement and internalize what is at the stake here"

More than 150 businessmen and senior figures demonstrated at the government compound in Jerusalem against the promotion of the legal reform • Dana Azrieli: "We all - the heads of the entire economy - call on you from here - to stop the unilateral legislation" • Dov Kotler, CEO of Bank Hapoalim: "It is not enough to sing "We have no other country", it is also very important to dive deep into the statement and internalize what is at the stake here"

More than 150 senior businessmen in Israel arrived at the protest tent in Jerusalem on Friday. In a precedent-setting manner, the two CEOs of the large banks, Hanan Friedman and Dov Kotler, spoke.

Businesswoman Dana Azrieli said: "Throughout the decade that I headed the Azrieli Group, I avoided taking part in public political discourse. I understand that at the Azrieli Group, I represent hundreds of workers, some of whom oppose the reform and some who support certain changes in the justice system. We at the Azrieli Group respect all opinions and remember that we must conduct a dialogue with Derech Eretz, with listening to other opinions, and that we all have one common denominator, we are all part of the people of Israel.

Song of Hope at the End of the Protest Event of Senior Economy Officials // Business Forum

In recent months, many people, friends from Israel, and many friends from Diaspora Jewry have approached me – asking me, and they are troubled and worried – where is the country going? Are we on the way to losing democracy? Are we on the way to a country that does not respect human rights? And I try to calm everyone down, moderate the voices, and try to stay optimistic. We, all of us – the heads of the entire economy – call on you from here to stop the unilateral legislation and reach broad agreement on changes that will be acceptable to the majority of the people."

The protest rally of senior figures in the economy, photo: Roni - Media 2000

Hanan Friedman, CEO of Bank Leumi, commented on the economic effects, saying, "The investors who have been talking to us in recent months are very concerned about unilateral moves, and their fear, and of course ours as well, about the rift in the nation, are causing their investment to be halted and the damage – which could be irreversible and destructive – to the Israeli economy. That is why we call together - unanimously - to stop. Talk. You will reach agreements. Any quality system recognizes that it needs to periodically make changes. Changes are made in dialogue. Changes are made by consensus. Your responsibility, elected officials, from all parties, is to prevent the rift in the people."

Hanan Friedman, CEO of Bank Leumi, Photo: Roni - Media 2000

Bank Hapoalim's CEO, Dov Kotler, emphasized in his remarks that this is an emergency. "We gathered here, members of the Business Forum, out of a sense of emergency that this is a fateful time for the Israeli economy and the State of Israel. Forum members lead the largest companies in the economy. Forum members come from across the political spectrum. We work alongside tens of thousands of citizens who make up this wonderful Israeli mosaic, from all shades of the political spectrum, members of all religions, without any difference. It's not enough to sing "We have no other country." It is also very important to dive deep into the statement and internalize what is at stake here."

He added, "Unfortunately, it is possible that what the public has internalized, our politicians have not yet internalized. We call on decision makers to move from call to conversation,
to call for courage that will bridge between uncertainty and a corrected reality for all of us.
In conclusion, I, as CEO, am well aware that the overall responsibility for everything done at the bank is mine. So is the expectation of the prime minister that he bears responsibility, authority and the ability for correction, dialogue and joint growth."

Rabbi Benny Lau, head of the 929 Bible Studies Project, said at the Shabbat reception at the protest tent: "I call from here to our leaders: What is burning for you to legislate with all your might? Who do you want to beat? Our condominium is on fire, and the fire will be able to extinguish only a broad consensus, in the bush. Just before Tisha B'Av, and at the time of receiving this Shabbat – I call on leaders from all sides – stop everything. Sit down and talk, until an agreement is found that can heal the great rift that has been created in the nation. Stop the destruction of the Temple, today."

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