The Limited Times

Artificial Intelligence: this is what Darth Vader, Superman, Spiderman, Hulk and others would look like if they were real

7/22/2023, 10:10:27 PM

Highlights: A digital artist designed different characters from the culture in real situations. This is Gil Finkeinstein, an artist specialized in artificial intelligence with the Midjourney program. Some of the characters he designed are icons of popular culture: Darth Vader, Spider-Man, and Superman, among others. According to the designer, this program is the best to make this type of representations, since others may present some failures or deformities in parts of their body. The images show different DC and Marvel heroes, such as Superman, Flash and Captain Americaageing, with their costumes ruined.

A digital artist designed different characters from the culture in real situations.

With the constant advancement of artificial intelligence worldwide, new programs are able to represent fictional characters in realistic situations. Systems such as DALL-E2, Stable Diffusion or Midjourney are increasingly popular, as they allow these characters to be placed in truly peculiar situations.

Recently, a digital artist specialized in this technology showed on his social networks some of his latest projects. This is Gil Finkeinstein, an artist specialized in artificial intelligence with the Midjourney program.

Some of the characters he designed are icons of popular culture: Darth Vader, Spider-Man, and Superman, among others. According to the designer, this program is the best to make this type of representations, since others may present some failures or deformities in parts of their body.

Superheroes and villains according to Artificial Intelligence

Some of Gil Finkenstein's designs that became popular in networks. Photo: Instagram/@gilfinkelstein.

One of the most popular publications of the most recent that the artist uploaded is related to dances. It is a series linked to the famous dance contest "Dancing with the Stars". These images show Darth Vader, Superman and Batman with Catwoman dancing on the renowned stage.

At the moment, no AI is able to develop one of these creations with absolute precision, so you can see certain details on the skin and body that denote its falsity. For example: in the previous photo you can not see the logos of the superheroes – the S of Superman or the bat of Batman – as well as the disproportion in the legs of the hero of Krypton.

Some aging superheroes, in another post by the artist. Photo: Instagram/@gilfinkelstein.

Another post by the artist shows different DC and Marvel heroes, such as Superman, Flash and Captain Americaageing, with their costumes ruined and with clear signs of the passage of time. In another, it shows other fictional characters in a particular situation: taking the subway.

Superman, Spiderman and Hulk on public transport. Photo: Instagram/@gilfinkelstein.

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