The Limited Times

Ahead of final approval tomorrow: Knesset discusses reducing reasonableness grounds - voila! news

7/23/2023, 7:11:52 AM

Highlights: The plenum convened in an unusual manner for a lengthy discussion that is expected to last about 26 hours. At the end of the discussion, Levin and Rothman will summarize it. After that, the opposition can vote on 140 reservations, and finally tomorrow the motion will be put up for second and third reading. In the evening, many supporters of the reform will demonstrate on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv, expressing support for the legislation. This morning, thousands of opponents and supporters of reform held a joint prayer at the Western Wall.

The plenum convened in an unusual manner for a lengthy discussion that is expected to last about 26 hours. At the end of the discussion, Levin and Rothman will summarize it. After that, the opposition can vote on 140 reservations, and finally tomorrow the motion will be put up for second and third reading. At the same time, demonstrations will be held today by opponents of the reform and its supporters

Direct: The Knesset plenum discusses reducing the grounds of reasonableness (Photo: Knesset channel)

The Knesset plenum will open this morning (Sunday) in an unusual manner at 10:00 a.m. ahead of a lengthy discussion on the proposed Basic Law: Judiciary to Reduce the Cause of Reasonableness, the first in the framework of the legal revolution promoted by the government. The debate is expected to last about 26 hours, unless the opposition tries to surprise the coalition earlier with an unscheduled vote.

At the end of the discussion, it will be agreed upon by Constitution Committee Chairman MK Simcha Rotman, who led the Knesset discussions on the law, and Justice Minister Yariv Levin of the Likud. After that, the opposition will have the opportunity to vote on 140 reservations out of the 27,000 they submitted, and at the end of the votes, the proposal will be put to a vote on second and third readings. Even after the opening of the discussion, and as long as the proposal is not approved in the plenum, it will still be possible to make changes to the wording of the proposal if the coalition and the opposition reach an agreement. Although the chances are low, the coalition could stop the discussion, return the proposal to the committee, make changes to it and reaffirm it, and then bring it to another vote in the plenum.

A lengthy discussion towards final approval. Netanyahu and Levin (Photo processing, Jonathan Zindel, Flash 90)

This is a relatively long and complex process, and due to the tight schedule, there is little chance of it happening. Another option is to accept one of the substantive reservations submitted by the opposition in order to soften the bill.

Therefore, the Knesset believes that the bill will be approved on Monday afternoon, and the vigilance in the chamber is very high. Knesset Officer Major General Yuval Chen announced over the weekend that he had received information that disturbances were planned in the Knesset building, and in a letter he sent to Knesset members and employees, he announced that, as he had done in the past, he intends to allow free entry to the residence of permanent permit holders, including: Knesset members, Knesset employees, parliamentary advisers, communications personnel and more. and not allow tours, events and visits with one-day permits. In such a situation, guests or visitors will not be able to enter the Tabernacle.

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"To prevent a rift in the nation." A joint prayer of supporters and opponents of the reform, this morning (Photo: Flash 90, Haim Goldberg)

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Over the weekend, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu worked to ensure that all Likud and coalition Knesset members vote in favor of reducing the reasonableness grounds, Netanyahu asked several members of his office as well as coalition leaders to verify the vote of all Knesset members, and some even received calls about their vote this week. The Likud is raising the names of Defense Minister Yoav Galant and MKs Yuli Edelstein and David Bitan as likely to abstain or oppose the vote. To other Knesset members in the party who are debating how to vote, Netanyahu's office promised that from now on the legislation will be done with broad consensus.

In parallel to the discussions, widespread protests against the passage of the law are expected to take place. In the evening, many supporters of the reform will demonstrate on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv, expressing support for the legislation. This morning, thousands of opponents and supporters of the reform held a joint prayer at the Western Wall calling to "prevent the rift in the nation."

  • news
  • Political-Political


  • The Legal Revolution
  • Yariv Levin
  • Simcha Rothman
  • Benjamin Netanyahu

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