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Hours of Decision: Protests for and Against the Reform in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem | Israel Hayom

7/23/2023, 1:51:22 PM

Highlights: Right-wing demonstration entitled "The people are with you – complete the legislation" will be held on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv. Outside the Knesset, protesters against the reform will gather, and former President Ruby Rivlin is expected to address the crowd of demonstrators. Roads at the protest sites began to be blocked to traffic, traffic arrangements in the article. State in protest: While discussions have begun in the plenary hall of the Knesseset building towards approving the reduction of the reasonableness grounds, supporters and opponents will hold protest events across the country.

In parallel to the discussions in the Knesset and the attempts to reach a compromise: The right-wing demonstration entitled "The people are with you – complete the legislation" will be held on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv • Minister Dudi Amsalem: "Whoever cares about the state should come and protest" • Outside the Knesset, protesters against the reform will gather, and former President Ruby Rivlin is expected to address the crowd of demonstrators • Roads at the protest sites began to be blocked to traffic, traffic arrangements in the article

State in protest: While discussions have begun in the plenary hall of the Knesset building towards approving the reduction of the reasonableness grounds, and the frantic negotiations in a last-ditch effort to reach a compromise continue, supporters and opponents of the reform will hold protest events across the country on Monday evening.

The main protest centers: Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv, where supporters of the reform will gather, and in front of the Knesset building in Jerusalem, where a demonstration will be held against the promotion of the legislation. Starting at 18:00 p.m., the right-wing rally will begin in support of the legal reform on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv, under the theme "The people are with you – complete the legislation," and "64 seats are not second-class." MKs and ministers will speak at the demonstration. Members of La Familia announced that they would take part in the demonstration.

At the same time, near the Supreme Court and the Knesset, a demonstration against the legal reform will be held. Former President Reuven Rivlin and many public figures will speak at the demonstration.

Minute by minute

16:40 P.M.: The response of the Kaplan Force protest group to reports on the Histadrut's outline: "The demands of the protest have not changed from the first moment: the shelving of legislation and the determination that profound changes in the system of government will be made only with broad consensus.

Compromises that end Israel becoming a dictatorship are worse than decisive. This is a proposal whose essence is to return the criminal Deri to the cabinet table and will not necessarily prevent the dismissal of gatekeepers and senior civil service officials if they do not toe the line according to the whims of politicians."

16:36: The beginning of a revolt against the Histadrut? The Mizrahi-Tefahot Bank employees union announced that it would not take any organizational steps. "We are not a political or ideological organization, and we have no interest in mixing the protection of workers' rights with other issues. We regret the very thought of the Histadrut chairman mixing sex with non-sex. We believe that shutting down the economy for the wrong reasons does not advance the interests of the workers, and we call on him to rethink his course and take care of the workers and their welfare, and leave the political arguments to Knesset members."

16:30: At this time, senior Histadrut officials hold an emergency discussion with Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar-David and Business Sector Presidency Chairman Dubi Amitai. In the background, the rejection of the compromise outline prepared by the two by the Likud and many disagreements within the arrangement. While some of the heads of the large committees call on Bar David to shut down the economy in order to prevent further advancement of unilateral legislation, some oppose.

Traffic Arrangements

Traffic arrangements at the protest event planned today at the Tel Aviv Government Complex. Starting at 16:00, the following streets will be closed to vehicular traffic:

Kaplan Street will be blocked from Ibn Gvirol Street to Menachem Begin Road in both directions. Kaplan Junction and Menachem Begin Road will be blocked to the north and south (including the sediments).
The Peace Bridge ramps will be closed to the north and south (it will not be possible to descend to Route 20).
Yigal Alon Junction - Peace will be blocked to the west.
The Yigal Alon – Made in Israel junction will be blocked (vehicles will be diverted to Made in Israel Street).
The Made in Israel Peace Junction will be blocked (vehicles will be diverted east).
Peace Junction - Youth Aliyah will be blocked to the east.
Yigal Alon - Peace Junction will be blocked to the south.
Yigal Alon - Tuval junction will be blocked to the north.
Yitzhak Sadeh Junction - The locksmith will be blocked to the north.
Exit from Ben Avigdor Street to Hamasger Street will not be allowed.
The streets of Migal Alon in the direction of Aminadav, Kremnicki, Tuval, Vicky Shiran and the exit from the gas station will be blocked (traffic will be allowed from HaSolelim Street).
Starting at 20:30, the Yehudit Bridge will be closed to pedestrians.

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