The Limited Times

Does Biden trust Netanyahu? White House: "They talk honestly" - voila! news

7/26/2023, 12:31:14 AM

Highlights: A White House spokeswoman declined to answer clearly whether the US president believed the prime minister. "They have a long-standing relationship (...) And so it will continue," she said. Tensions between Biden and Netanyahu continue to deepen. The president expressed "regret" at the cancellation of the reasonableness grounds and has yet to invite the prime Minister to the White House. The prime minister passed the Reasonableness Elimination Law this week, triggering the legal revolution. The White House urged the government to achieve full agreement through political dialogue.

A White House spokeswoman declined to answer clearly whether the US president believed the prime minister, responding to a reporter's question: "They have a long-standing relationship (...) And so it will continue." Tensions between Biden and Netanyahu continue to deepen, with the president expressing "regret" at the cancellation of the reasonableness grounds and has yet to invite the prime minister to the White House

Video: Herzog meets with Biden at White House: 'We have internal arguments, we have to look for broad consensus' (Reuters)

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked Wednesday night whether US President Joe Biden trusts Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to which she replied simply, "They have a long-standing relationship, they talk honestly with each other, and this is how it will continue." The question was asked by Newsmax's White House correspondent, James Rosen.

Tensions between Biden and Netanyahu continue to deepen, with the prime minister passing the Reasonableness Elimination Law this week, triggering the legal revolution. Before the vote, Biden issued a statement to a reporter for Walla! Barak Ravid, in which he expressed concern about the legislation. From the perspective of Israel's friends in the United States, he said, "it seems that the bill discussed as part of the legal reform only widens the rifts in Israel, not reduces them."

"Given the scope of the threats and challenges facing Israel, it doesn't make sense for Israeli leaders to rush forward with this. Israel's leaders should focus on bringing all the people together to achieve consensus."


Afterward, the White House expressed "regret" at the cancellation of the reasonableness grounds. "We urge the government to achieve full agreement through political dialogue," they added. Prime Minister Netanyahu has not yet been invited to an official meeting at the White House.

  • news
  • Political-Political
  • Foreign relations


  • Joe Biden
  • Benjamin Netanyahu

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