The Limited Times

Subway stop: what time will it be and what lines it affects

7/26/2023, 10:11:45 AM

Highlights: This Wednesday is the 19th protest since March, when the demand of the metro delegates to reduce the weekly working day began. The measure of force was announced by the Trade Association of Subway and Premetro Workers (AGTSyP) The union claims to obtain two francs to "reduce exposure to asbestos" that still exists in formations and workshops. It is estimated that about 900,000 passengers travel on the subway per day, 70% of those who did so before the pandemic.

It is the 19th protest since March, when the demand of the metro delegates to reduce the weekly working day began.

The conflict in the subway, which began in March with the claim of reduction of the weekly working day, will have its 19th episode this Wednesday, with a new strike on all lines. The measure of force was announced by the Trade Association of Subway and Premetro Workers (AGTSyP), which claims to obtain two francs to "reduce exposure to asbestos" that still exists in formations and workshops.

"Everything is confirmed, both the opening of the turnstiles, as well as the stoppage in all subway services and the Premetro between 13 and 16," said Roberto Pianelli, secretary general of the metro delegates.

As reported in a statement from the union, this Wednesday there will be opening of turnstiles, that is, you can pass without paying, from 12 to 13 in the stations San Pedrito, line A, Juan Manuel de Rosas, B, Constitution, C, Congress of Tucumán, D, Faculty of Law, H and Plaza de los Virreyes, of the E. Then, from 13 to 16, it will be the total interruption.

"We have done everything humanly possible to solve the health crisis caused by the presence of carcinogenic asbestos and to stop putting the lives of millions of users and workers of the subway at risk, without yet getting a response; On the contrary, they have closed all channels of dialogue," the group said in a statement.

Subway stoppage and turnstiles released; The measure of force of the metrodelegates this Wednesday. Photo: Luciano Thieberger

The conflict began with rotating stoppages, of two lines per day, for two hours. Then the amount of time was increased until last week, when for the first time the entire service was paralyzed for three hours, from 10 a.m. to 13 p.m. Now, the measure of strength will be during the same period of time but at a different time.

Emova's response

From the company Emova, which has the concession of the service, they have been warning that the stoppages complicate users directly. It is estimated that about 900,000 passengers travel on the subway per day, 70% of those who did so before the pandemic.

On the specific conflict, from Emova insisted on expressing that "the reduction of the weekly working day from 36 to 30 hours is unfeasible without affecting the operation of the subway network."

As for asbestos, from the company they assured that for five years they have been working "actively" for the "desasbestización". And they pointed out that "it is carried out through an interdisciplinary table in which the union entities also participate and that works in the Directorate of Labor Protection of the City Government."

"Emova confirms that the more than 3,900 measurements made on air quality in all areas of work of the subway yield results considered adequate for health," adds the statement of the concessionaire.

Regarding the measure of force on Wednesday, they affirmed that it occurs while the joint negotiations with the unions of the UTA and the Association of Supervisors (ASSRA) are progressing, "both with union status and authorized to sign collective agreements," they said. In addition, they assured that with the metro delegates "an update of more than 21% was agreed for the May-July quarter, which adds to the adjustments that had already been made for the months of March and April."

"In the last three months the stoppages, which now total 19, were also accompanied by blockades on roads and formations, and openings of turnstiles, generating delays and inconveniences in the service on a frequent basis," they said from Emova.

The metro delegates, for their part, insisted on holding responsible the "concessionaire of the service (Emova) and the City Government, which try to ignore the seriousness of the crisis caused by a harmful mineral banned since 2003 and that they have not removed from the underground area. "

Finally, from the union organization they called on the public to "demand together with the workers an immediate solution" to "a real attack on public health."


See also

Subway stop on all lines: the metrodelegates will interrupt the service for three hours this Wednesday

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