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More needed than ever: Minister of Education promotes legislation to mark "National Unity Day" | Israel Hayom

7/27/2023, 9:41:37 AM

Highlights: The day is intended to be a day of unity in the Israeli society. It is also a day to mark the anniversary of the founding of the state of Israel. The day will be marked by a series of events, including a speech by the Prime Minister of Israel, Yisrael Katz, and a meeting of the Knesset. The event will take place in Jerusalem, with a number of events taking place across the country, including in Israel, the UK, and the U.S. It will also be celebrated in Israel.

Yoav Kish, together with MKs Hili Tropper and Avraham Bezalala, wish to enshrine in law a day marking unity in Israel • The day will be marked in various frameworks in the education system, in the defense establishments and in the Knesset

In recent times, Israeli society has undergone great upheaval, the division and division are great, and the need for unity and connection is gaining renewed validity, which is needed more than ever. Education Minister Yoav Kisch today (Thursday) submitted a memorandum of law in order to advance legislation to mark National Unity Day in Israel. The issue is being promoted together with Knesset Members Hili Tropper and Avraham Bezalel, who submitted a private bill on the subject.

Mothers of the abducted boys (archive), photo: Efrat Eshel

In the summer of 2014, the IDF launched Operation Protective Edge following the abduction and murder of the boys - Eyal Yifrah, Naftali Frenkel and Gil-Ad Sha'ar, whose memory is blessed. At that time, the boys' families called for unity and the creation of connections among the people, which led to the idea of marking a special day on the subject.

Out of the desire to preserve and establish a sense of unity in Israeli society, the need arose to bring hearts together and connect different populations, sectors and groups in Israeli society.

Unity Day will be marked in various frameworks, including; Cabinet meeting, the President's House, the IDF, youth units in local authorities, youth organizations, youth movements and in the education system.

Minister Yoav Kisch in response to the video Ulpanat Horev | Spokesperson for the Ministry of Education

Marking "Unity Day" in the education system is an educational process designed to foster unity and solidarity in Israeli society, both in unique activities on the day itself and in ongoing educational activities throughout the year. The education system leads educational processes to strengthen solidarity and social cohesion throughout the year in general and on Unity Day in particular.

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