The Limited Times

We're all horny, and if it's a finger in your eye, then that's a nice bonus too - voila! Sheee

7/28/2023, 8:32:21 AM

Highlights: One Bibist is maddening Facebook, one resident of the fireplace is driving conservative Israelis crazy. Doja Cat is trolling back her followers, the government continues to harass us with laws that fall for no good reason. Yuval Levy shared with Big Brother her frustration and sexual confusion towards the new residents of Walla! A quick glance at the reactions to the speech videos revealed a national shock. The women's news needs an urgent retreat. The suitcase is already full of clonks. The Tyrellol is, of course, us, and our bizarre attitude toward sexuality.

A non-technological liar bibist, Big Brother's Yuval Levy horny, Doja Cat maddening her followers, the government with its rules, and Barbie a feminist icon? What's next

The explosion of Stav Katzin and Sapir Borgil (Instagram, screenshot)

One Bibist is maddening Facebook, one resident of the fireplace is driving conservative Israelis crazy, Doja Cat is trolling back her followers, the government continues to harass us with laws that fall for no good reason – a law designed to protect women from economic violence has fallen, and even Gila Gamliel, who proposed a similar law in the past, voted against it. The main thing is that the movie Barbie brought back adult women to play with dolls. The women's news needs an urgent retreat, the suitcase is already full of clonks.

We sent Alpha to watch Barbie, and he didn't come back gay, just a dosh
though, or precisely because of the denials, that's what made us convinced that they were together
and Nir was right. I wouldn't want to touch anyone I just knew either

The original and false post that Iris Alfasi sent herself. She deleted, but this fab will last forever (Photo: screenshot, Facebook)

1. The Bibist Who Madden Facebook

This was the week of Iris Alfasi, a beautician from Kfar Yona, a star who managed to glow and plummet at incredible speed in the sky of the social network. It all started with a post on her page, in which a client who allegedly enjoyed her services for the past eight years said goodbye to her in a WhatsApp message because she has a hard time with "Mizrahim and Bibists," a good opportunity to talk about this forcible phenomenon of private individuals and media outlets knowingly producing and disseminating fake news. Luckily, Iris was not the sharpest clause in the reform, and did not even make an effort to send the message from another phone or use a message fake app, so that they would not see that she sent the message to herself. The lie was exposed, Alfasi deleted the post, but we all have a sweet memory of it, even many who did not have time to witness the developments and continue to carry anger at a non-existent customer and her racist text message that was never sent.

Iris Alfasi's fake is just a drop in the sea of false information on the Internet, which is overflowing with legal reform-coup. And why not publish fake news? After all, with the push of a button, anyone can make half the people think that the other political camp is sending him hate messages; that an authority or party or politician has done or said something that has never been done or said; And that a horrific event happened this week that actually never happened, or happened a decade ago in a completely different context. Incorrect pieces of information drive people crazy and send them into all-out wars, and this happens incidentally across the entire political spectrum. If we have been dealing with Israeli law for so many months, perhaps it is time to prosecute those who knowingly spread false information? How is it possible that so many people commit crimes every day against Israeli society and do not pay a price for it? The first to pay it, in my humble opinion, are those who claim unfounded hatred that didn't happen – while spreading it.

More in Walla!

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A parody of Iris Alfasi's post. That's what's left of all the lies in the end

2. Yuval Levy's speech

This week, resident Yuval Levy shared with Big Brother her frustration and sexual confusion towards the new residents. A quick glance at the reactions to the speech videos revealed a national shock. Agreed, something happened in Israel: a woman who admits to being sexual. In my crazy liberal view, the Tyrellol is, of course, us, and our bizarre attitude toward sexuality. If we think seriously what she said is illegitimate, we will not find. Levy did not shame anyone, did not impose herself, and did not disseminate any pornographic or violent descriptions that could, so to speak, spoil the youth. Above all, she didn't act abusively, which is a rather rare scene on Big Brother, a show that mostly concentrates on the human Sakhaleh.

Her only sin was to admit a sexual urge that we already know she has, like most people, and that she is attracted to some people in the firehouse, which we could also assume alone, and which is not hidden from our eyes when it comes to other occupants. If people bond into pairs, we can assume that they are sexually attractive, and they don't fantasize about just playing docs together. And that's okay, because—let me put on the thorn-orange school counselor costume for a moment—there's nothing wrong with sexuality per se, it's natural, it's healthy when it's healthy, and it's mostly part of being human. As viewers who are mostly sexual beings themselves, let's not treat this as four-year-olds. Unless you're really a four-year-old watching Big Brother, and then, like, your parents need to intervene. And not because of Yuval Levy.

In general, if anything positive can be said at all about reality, and specifically about reality in Israel, it is an interesting recent progress in the field of puberty: in "My Wedding" we received a beautiful and exposed scene of the robot couple, with an emphasis on Raz, opposite Yael, the psychologist, which revealed gaps in sexuality within the relationship and difficulty in bridging them. The two scenes in the different programs demonstrated a simple, mature and direct but not rude way of talking about a topic that is relevant to most of the human race. And although most human beings are sexual beings, we tend to treat sexuality with some alarm, as if it were an unidentified object. Either it is not talked about at all, or it is spoken jokingly, or it is used to hurt or it is attributed divine qualities. But here, so to say, there is another sex. To me, it's cute.

@bigbrother521 #האחהגדול? ♬ #יובללוי #האחהגדול #ישראל #האחהגדול2023 Original Sound - Big Brother

3. Doja Cat scratches and the crowd barks back

In general, Doja Cat is known for her lack of effort to be liked by her followers, to say the least. She does not shower them with love, does not feel obligated to them and refuses to apologize, especially if they demand of her. This conduct has some Madrapkari grace, but to a certain extent, and this week it seems to many of her fans that she has crossed it. It started with a tweet she posted on Storms, mocking fans who call themselves "Kittens" (similar to Swift's fans calling themselves "Swifties," for example), declaring that her fans wouldn't call themselves such stupid names, and implying that if they did, how shall we put it in plain language, they lacked anything to do with life.

When a fan wrote to her in response that he would love to hear from her that she loves her fans, she replied that she doesn't, because she doesn't know them. The fan, for his part, didn't have to, and washed it with a monologue whose essence was - without us nothing. In response, Hecut replied, "I don't understand why you're talking to me like you're my mother, Beach," adding that he sounded like a crazy person. In another post, she clarified: "My life, my rules, my style, my attitude." I want to say, you won't decide on me.

As mentioned, this isn't the first time Doja Cat has clashed with fans and expressed disgust with her advertising, although she continues to fuel it. Some see this as a purely marketing act, but so far, it has reportedly cost her the loss of around 200K followers on Instagram. Last April, after her concert in Paraguay was canceled, she was criticized for not paying attention to fans waiting for her outside the hotel, and threatened to quit the music world. Since then, she has already announced a new single and album, but at the same time that she continues to work and perform, she makes sure to make it clear to her fans that the end is near, and these are just final commitments she is fulfilling. This is compounded by another recent scandal, in which Doja Cat blocked followers who wanted to allege that her partner had sexually and mentally abused them. And these are just recent examples.

So is Doja Cat an egocentric and ungrateful celebrity to the fans who nurtured her, or a woman who maintains her healthy boundaries in the face of an angry and demanding mob? It's hard for me to answer that question. So, I guess the answer is both. At the same time that her condescension and antipathy irritate me, I can understand where they come from. An admiring audience is not necessarily a loving audience, nor is it a respectful audience. In this, Doja Cat is 100% right: she doesn't really know them, and neither do they. Their admiration is expressed, for example, in anticipation outside her hotel, but it is selfish admiration, which does not respect her privacy. Even if standing outside a star hotel is acceptable, you'll agree with me that it doesn't exactly allow for breathing space. Doja Cat is selfish, and her fans are no less than her.

It is difficult to rule in favor of either side in Case Doge against the world, so we had better not deal with it. It also doesn't matter that much; Doja Cat isn't the first, and certainly not the last, to let her fans down when her true face was revealed. You might think she's right or wrong, but what's certain is that we don't really know anything about the people we admire, and that in general, admiration is honored in its place, but that place is 12 years old. Part of growing up is the realization that most people are neither absolute good nor evil, and that they are all crappy, both physically and metaphorically. And maybe if we don't assume that we know people based on the media, and don't base our identity on admiration for them, we won't be so disappointed in them.

@yourbestfriendjoshua Doja Cat is seemingly on a downward spiral; continues INSULTING her fans, unprovoked.??? #dojacat ♬ Doja Cat CONTINUES insulting fans unprovoked - Joshua Pingley

.4. Barbie is back in a big way

You can't imagine: mature women around you have gone back to playing with dolls, or at least dressing and wearing makeup like them, all because of (or because of your choice) the most aggressively marketed movie we've seen these days, Barbie. One can complain about the bombardment of merchandise, but what is certain is that the marketing works. Everywhere - online, in clothing stores, makeup brands, even ice cream shops - you will find references to the most hated and beloved doll from our childhood, and the words "must see this movie" are distributed to the air accordingly.

Just bringing Barbie back in 2023 is impossible, so this time the advertisers made it clear to us: the new Barbie is a strong, independent and all-powerful woman. This is not entirely divorced from Barbie's original branding, which although we have become accustomed to seeing her, as women, as a representation of a destructive beauty model, a historical look reveals that this doll can do anything - she is a mother, wife, sister, businesswoman, beauty priestess, diver and in one version even an astronaut. On this card, it seems, is the current trend game.

It's pretty amazing how one film manages to reshape our collective attitude toward a particular symbol. I haven't watched it yet, so I can't say whether it's an empty marketing decision, or if there's something going on. From what I've heard, the film does bring with it some feminist agenda, but it's superficial and rather clichéd, even if it's enjoyable to watch. In the meantime, as long as my feed is full of phosphorescent pink, I'm happy. On a depressing garment the First Temple was destroyed or something, isn't it?

@michelletok #dojacat makes fun of her fans, ignores abuse claims about her boyfriend #jcyrus and is just straight up rude #celebnews ♬ original sound - michelle

5. The law against economic violence has fallen

Another government finger in women's eye: This week, the coalition toppled the bill for the prevention of economic violence initiated by MK Merav Cohen. Of course, in matters of overthrowing laws, the counter-arguments should always be examined and examined in depth. Voters against argued that the current version of the law is ineffective and requires amendment, a common argument for overthrowing laws (which this time is also not explained who knows what, but sometimes it is justified). Sometimes impossible laws with flashy headlines are deliberately proposed to be overthrown, and all sides of the political map sin in legislation from position and disqualification from position. With all this being said, and "there are extremists on both sides," it is worth asking: What has the current government done for women, not against us?

  • Sheee
  • Sheee-Talk


  • Barbie
  • Fake News
  • Big Brother
  • violence

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