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"The next stage will be harm to people": swastikas spray-painted on Bnei Akiva branch in Jerusalem | Israel Hayom

7/29/2023, 7:22:22 PM

Highlights: Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Hagit Moshe sent an urgent letter Saturday evening to Jerusalem District Police Chief Major General Doron Turgeman. "We may see physical abuse against youth, the instigators must be reached quickly," he said. swastika graffiti was spray-painted on one of the walls of the "Center" branch of the Bnei Akiva movement. The letters Z and A, which appear in the movement's emblem, symbolize the words "Torah and Labor" - the slogan most identified with the religious Zionist youth movement.

"Reaching the instigators": Deputy mayor letters to Jerusalem District Police Chief demanding an investigation into the case • "We may see physical harm to youths"

Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Hagit Moshe sent an urgent letter Saturday evening to Jerusalem District Police Chief Major General Doron Turgeman, following a series of acts of vandalism and hatred towards members of the Bnei Akiva branch in Jerusalem, including swastika graffiti on the building's wall. "We may see physical abuse against youth, the instigators must be reached quickly."

On one of the walls of the "Center" branch of the Bnei Akiva movement in Jerusalem, the inscription "T+A = swastika" (in the painting) was spray-painted. The letters Z and A, which appear in the movement's emblem, symbolize the words "Torah and Labor" - the slogan most identified with the religious Zionist youth movement.

Bnei Akiva movement, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Bnei Akiva students pray for the healing of Alroy, who was injured this morning in the attack in Tekoa // Photo: Bnei Akiva

The deputy mayor said in response: "Public tension, incitement and incitement cross every boundary. While Bnei Akiva students in the city embark on activities to raise unity among the people, rioters arrive at the branch building and try to paint the movement's campers in a dark light. I appealed to the Jerusalem district police commander to expedite the investigation of the case, we must stop this dangerous deterioration immediately before the terrible incitement leads to harm to human life."

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