The Limited Times

"Now it's time to break free": In Niger, thousands of demonstrators proclaim their hostility to the France

7/30/2023, 5:02:48 PM

Highlights: Thousands of Nigeriens poured from the city center to the France embassy on Sunday morning. They demand the withdrawal of foreign troops and the dismissal of the ambassador. "For twelve years the country has been living under the thumb of the Bazoum, the Issoufou (the deposed president and his predecessor)," says one protester. The few French journalists present in Niger are now being questioned by the crowd. "As soon as we disembarked, the crowd took us to task," says one of them.

If the first demonstration in support of the putsch had attracted several hundred people last Thursday, that of Sunday morning saw thousands of Nigeriens converge.


Niamey shouted its hostility to French influence. Thousands of Nigeriens poured from the city center to the France embassy on Sunday morning to demand the withdrawal of foreign troops and the dismissal of the ambassador. If the first demonstration in support of the putsch had attracted several hundred people last Thursday, this one saw thousands of Nigeriens converge.

In the shared taxi to join the rally, Ibrahim explains the reasons for his anger. "For twelve years the country has been living under the thumb of the Bazoum, the Issoufou (the deposed president and his predecessor)," he explains calmly. They are the ones who chose to continue colonization with the France. Now it's time to break free.


The taxi arrives at the place of the consultation. The small equipped comes down, Ibrahim has his sign to demand the departure of the France. As soon as we disembarked, the crowd took us to task. The few French journalists present in Niger are now...

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