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Not Just Rockets and Terrorism: This Is How Hamas Acts Against Israel in the International Arena | Israel Hayom

7/30/2023, 8:33:13 PM

Highlights: For years, Hamas has been assimilating people on its behalf in various European countries. Among the methods: Fundraising through charitable organizations and mosques. The funding was used in the past to carry out serious attacks, including suicide bombings. Europe understood the severity of the problem - and in Israel Ad Kan warns: "We must wake up"Under the code name "The Red and Green Octopus," they expose the method employed by the Islamic Movement, which wants to destroy Israel, together with radical leftist organizations.

For years, the terrorist organization has been assimilating people on its behalf in various European countries who assist terrorism and the boycott movement • Among the methods: Fundraising through charitable organizations and mosques • The funding was used in the past to carry out serious attacks, including suicide bombings • Europe understood the severity of the problem - and in Israel Ad Kan warns: "We must wake up"

Under the guise of media or charity figures, Hamas operatives who are close to terrorists have been operating for many years in the heart of European countries. Some of their organizations have been outlawed in various countries around the world, including, of course, Israel and the United States, and in some cases they have even been caught donating money to carry out serious terrorist attacks, including suicide bombings.

Ad Kan, founded by IDF officers and graduates of intelligence units that fights anti-Israeli organizations, brought people on its behalf deep into the ranks of the compartmentalized organizations, who issued emails and other materials such as a photo of senior Hamas figure Khaled Mashaal and another Hamas operative in Europe, correspondence of a senior BDS activist in the Netherlands with someone who openly collected money for Hamas, in which she consults with him on how to act, And.

Khaled Mashaal, chairman of Hamas' political bureau, photo: Reuters

Under the code name "The Red and Green Octopus," they expose the method employed by the Islamic Movement, which wants to destroy Israel, together with radical leftist organizations in Europe that are making an effort to blacken Israel's face and severely harm it.

"We understood that there is the usual campaign that we know – the military wing, but alongside it there is another campaign that the State of Israel does not know and does not act against – the use of proxy organizations to harm the international arena," explains Ad Kan CEO Gilad Ach.

Gilad Ach, Chairman of Ad Kan,

For many years, Hamas has been assimilating people on its behalf in various European countries. Operatives in Holland, England, Denmark and other countries receive massive funding and carry out lobbying and activities that support the terrorist organization. Over the years, the activists have established many organizations, some legitimate, some much less.

From Europe - straight to Gaza

Amin Abu Rashid is considered a senior Hamas commander in Europe as one who donated millions for terrorist organizations through charities and mosques and was arrested in the Netherlands last month. Notebooks documented by an Ad Kan agent revealed large sums of money donated in cash in mosques targeting Gaza. This is just one documentation among many.

The activities of Amin Abu Rashid,

The names of the organizations run by Abu Rashid sound innocent from the outside – the Palestinian Conference in Europe, the European Palestinian State Center, and the Palestinian infrastructure for human rights and solidarity, but behind the scenes it is clear that he is waging a struggle for Hamas.

Some of the charities he runs serve as a cover to raise money for causes that are considered legitimate on the outside, but an examination of them reveals what their true purpose is. The Al-Aqsa Foundation, in which Abu Rashed is a central figure, was designated by the US as a state sponsor of terrorism in 2003.

Pro-Palestinian protesters in the Netherlands, photo: AFP

Asraa, currently at the stake in the Netherlands, allegedly supports orphans in Gaza and residents of refugee camps in both the Palestinian Authority and Lebanon.

In cooperation with BDS
, these
two organizations were part of the charitable coalition that raised funds for Hamas and worked intensively at the time to carry out suicide bombing attacks in Israel. The European Center for Palestinian Media ostensibly aims to place Palestinian interests at the center of discourse in Europe, but in practice it serves as Hamas' propaganda arm in Europe, headed by Amin Abu Rashid.

An email correspondence obtained by Israel Hayom reveals how Abu Rashed has become a popular figure among BDS activists, who even consult with him on how to act and harm Israel. In the email, Sonia Zimerman, a Jewish woman considered one of the movement's leaders in the Netherlands, consults with Abu Rashed about whether to employ an anti-Israeli Palestinian from the village of Deir al-Balah. In another email, she invites Abu Rashid to a meeting of the board of directors of the BDS organization she runs.

Turn Abu Rashid into a popular figure, BDS activists, photo: P.I.

In 2017, the two were part of a Palestinian campaign that blatantly attacked Israel and Zionism over the centenary of the Balfour Declaration. A campaign that made life miserable for the State of Israel in real time.

This is not an isolated case, but a representative one. In recent years, an alliance has been forged between radical leftist organizations in Europe and the United States and Palestinian civil society organizations with the aim of leading to severe delegitimization against Israel that would severely harm it.

The goal: the elimination of the state

"The cooperation between the radical left and Islamic movements in the struggle against Israel brings to one table the red side – secular Marxist and anti-imperialist ideologies, along with the green side – Islamic religious concepts.

"We will declare BDS an anti-Semitic movement." Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in a statement in Jerusalem || Photo: GPO

The resistance of the "oppressed" Palestinians, which includes terrorist activity, is perceived by the radical left as a legitimate tool for resistance against the oppressor element. The goal of the alliance and the campaigns that followed, which also include 'direct action' projects such as flotillas, flyovers and more, is the elimination of the State of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people," the Ad Kan report said.

The main focus of the campaign to delegitimize Israel takes place in Britain. Ad Kan marks the kingdom as the main focus in Europe for delegitimizing Israel.

In Britain, for example, Zahar Birawi is a broadcaster for the Muslim Brotherhood's Al Hiwar TV channel. There, Birawi referred to the attack in Sbarro as a legitimate act under international law.

Zaher Birawi's activities,

Birawi also serves as a senior figure in a number of various organizations, including the chairman of the Europal Forum, a media organization that promotes a pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli agenda. In 2021, Israel designated Europe as a sponsor of Hamas. "The head of the organization, Zaher Birawi, a Hamas operative, is one of the leaders of Hamas in Britain and in the European arena."

Other centers include Germany, where there is a significant center of activists taking part in the delegitimization campaign, France, where lawyers representing Hamas work to remove it from the EU's list of terrorist organizations, and more.

"This is a particularly disturbing phenomenon – a terrorist organization behind humanitarian organizations," says Gilad Ach. "It's important that the public and the government know about this, and start mobilizing. We must not ignore this incident, which harms Israel severely."

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