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The Knesset passed the second and third readings of the bill to increase punishment for nationalist-motivated sexual offenses | Israel Hayom

7/30/2023, 1:33:20 PM

Highlights: The Knesset plenum approved the second and third readings of the bill to increase punishment for sexual offenses on nationalistic grounds. The proposal was initiated by MKs Yulia Malinovsky, Limor Son Har Melech and a group of Knesseset members. 39 Knessett members supported the proposal on the third reading against 7 who opposed. The stricter punishment provisions for an act of terrorism apply to sexual offenses, and also apply the stricter punishment. provisions for offenses motivated by racism or hostility towards the public.

MKs Yulia Malinovsky and Limor Sun Har Melech initiated the proposal • The stricter punishment provisions for an act of terrorism apply to sexual offenses, and to apply the stricter punishment provisions for offenses motivated by racism or hostility towards the public • "In recent years, the phenomenon of nationalist terrorism has intensified, with daily reports of women being sexually harassed on the basis of their religious identity"

The Knesset plenum approved the second and third readings of the bill to increase punishment for sexual offenses on nationalistic grounds. The proposal was initiated by MKs Yulia Malinovsky, Limor Son Har Melech and a group of Knesset members. 39 Knesset members supported the proposal on the third reading against 7 who opposed.

It should be noted that the stricter punishment provisions for an act of terrorism apply to sexual offenses, and also apply the stricter punishment provisions for an offense motivated by racism or hostility towards the public, within the meaning of the Penal Code for sexual harassment offenses. It is also proposed to double the compensation prescribed by law for offenses of sexual harassment committed motivated by racism or hostility towards the public.

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In addition, it is proposed to establish an annual reporting requirement to the Knesset National Security Committee on the number of indictments filed and the number of investigation files opened for sexual offenses and sexual harassment offenses that were motivated by racism or hostility towards the public, or that are acts of terrorism.

The explanatory notes stated: "In recent years, the phenomenon of nationalist terrorism has intensified. Every day, women are reported to have been sexually harassed on the basis of their religious identity. The intensification of the phenomenon has reached a point where in various parts of the country, in the north, in the south, and even in the city of Tel Aviv, women are afraid to go out to sports activities or go out alone in the evening."

The initiators of the law, Malinovsky and Har Son Melech, photo: Oren Ben Hakon, Haim Goldberg Flash 90

MK Aida Touma-Suleiman strongly criticized the bill on the podium, saying: "For a rape victim, for being assaulted - it really doesn't change her pain, the identity of the attacker. Her pain is deep, whether he is the purest Jew or if he is an Arab Palestinian."

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