The Limited Times

Pine: a familiar conifer to rediscover!

7/31/2023, 6:13:32 AM

Highlights: Pine grows naturally throughout France, which is also the largest pine forest in Europe. The dwarf varieties are about 2 m tall but the most majestic subjects culminate at 70 m in their biotope, with a wingspan of 15 m. There are more than a hundred different pine trees. Among these, you must choose the one that best suits the climate of your region, your type of soil, your available space and, of course, your expectations. Among the most common pines in France, here are the best known.

Pine grows naturally throughout France, which is also the largest pine forest in Europe. By the sea, in

Identity card of the plant
Botanical namePinus ssp.
Common namePine
OriginPine is native to the Northern Hemisphere. It is the only place where the genus Pinus grows.
SizeThe dwarf varieties are about 2 m tall but the most majestic subjects culminate at 70 m in their biotope, with a wingspan of 15 m. This is the case of Pinus lambertiana.
FoliagePines carry evergreen needles, grouped by 2, 3 or 5, which are thin, pointed, straight or twisted. They are bluish-green or intense green and are 6 to 20 cm long.
FruitPines produce cones, more or less large, narrow, cylindrical or asymmetrical, which contain the seeds.
ExhibitionSun or partial shade
GroundRather humiferous and acidic. But pine is also satisfied with poor soils.
RusticityFrom -15°C to -35°C, depending on the variety.

The branches of the pine are more or less spread out depending on the variety. It is therefore necessary to plan and anticipate a space adapted to each size.

What are the characteristics common to all pine trees?

According to its botanical classification, pine belongs to the genus Pinus, which consists of 110 different species of pine. They all grow in the Northern Hemisphere, between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle. In France, pine grows throughout the territory with ornamental or industrial use, especially in the construction sector where its wood is appreciated for its robustness. The areas where pines grow are called pine forests.

All these trees are characterized in particular by the production of thick-scaled cones often called pine cones. These dried and hard fruits take several years to ripen before falling to the ground. It is for this reason that you can observe pine cones of different sizes on the same tree.

Like most conifers, pine bears needles grouped in clusters. They are very rich in resin, which unfortunately makes them very flammable.

How to grow a pine tree at home?

Collect open cones, fallen to the ground, and collect the seeds. In spring, in a deep tank,

  • Prepare a mixture of garden soil and coniferous potting soil. Pines appreciate acidic soils with a pH between 4.5 and 5.5.
  • Dig furrows 3 cm deep and place a seed every 15 cm.
  • Cover with your substrate and then tamp lightly.
  • Then, spread a mulch over the entire surface and moisten everything with a spray bottle.
  • Keep constant moisture until the seeds germinate, i.e. two to three weeks after sowing.
  • Keep your seedlings in containers for two years and then install the most vigorous plants directly in the ground. Remember to amend your soil with a suitable substrate beforehand.

If you want to save time, it is of course quite possible to find, in nurseries or garden centers, young pines already well developed.

Collect open cones, fallen to the ground, and collect the seeds.

Which pine to choose?

There are more than a hundred different pine trees. Among these, you must choose the one that best suits the climate of your region, your type of soil, your available space and, of course, your expectations. Among the most common pines in France, here are the best known:

Pinus mugo

The mountain pine, is a very hardy coniferous, with a compact habit, which grows naturally in the region of the Alps, Jura, Vosges and Pyrenees. He will be the perfect candidate if you live in these regions.

Pinus sylvestris

The Scots pine can be up to 40 m tall. It adapts to all types of soil and can be planted in alignment or isolated. He appreciates sunny exposures.

Pinus pinea

Present throughout the Mediterranean basin, its characteristic habit has earned it the nickname of umbrella pine. It is a hardy tree that can reach 20 m tall and 15 m wingspan in adulthood, provided it is planted in dry, well-drained soil. Its little extra: its seeds are edible!

Pinus halepensis

Aleppo pine grows mainly in Provence where it resists drought well. You can plant it in a grove or isolated, in a light soil, rather clay-limestone. It is a slow-growing tree that will reach 10 to 20 m high for a span of about ten meters.

There are more than a hundred different pine trees. Copyright (c) 2022 The_AA's/Shutterstock. No use without permission.

Should you prune your pine?

By pure aesthetics, dwarf varieties require regular and delicate pruning. For others, it is not necessarily necessary. It all depends on the type of pine chosen. Umbrella pines, for example, regularly need a balance pruning, or pruning to improve sunlight and air circulation.

In any case, if you want to prune your pine yourself, just cut the driest, damaged or fragile branches, then apply putty to the wounds. And, above all, never head your pine, it could die. To avoid this fatal outcome, it is better to call a professional.

Should you water your pine?

As for watering, your pine should logically be autonomous three years after planting. Before that, you will need to water it regularly during hot and dry periods.

As for watering, your pine should logically be autonomous three years after planting. Copyright (c) 2019 photowind/Shutterstock. No use without permission.

Many pines are pleasing in metropolitan France, so you are spoiled for choice. Among your selection criteria, remember to inquire about the weight of the cones produced by your pine, because they will fall to the ground. This may seem surprising, but when you know that a cone of Pinus coulteri can measure up to 35 cm long and weigh up to 2.5 kilos, it still makes you think.

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