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Harsh criticism of government pilot to allow separate bathing in springs: "Forcing gender segregation" | Israel Hayom

8/1/2023, 6:54:22 AM

Highlights: The pilot "gender-segregated bathing in the summer months" will begin operating next week in some of the Nature and Parks Authority's springs. Women's Lobby Director: "The public sphere is becoming discriminatory and unequal" On the other hand, B'Tselem's executive director welcomed the move: "This is a holiday, finally all citizens of Israel will be able to enjoy natural resources" Former Knesset member Ram Shefa: "Here is Silman again, without a drop of shame"

Although the pilot will take place only one month and beyond the usual bathing hours for the general public, there are those who criticize the very idea • Women's Lobby Director: "The public sphere is becoming discriminatory and unequal" On the other hand, B'Tselem's executive director welcomed the move: "This is a holiday, finally all citizens of Israel will be able to enjoy natural resources"

After Israel Hayom reported that at the initiative of Environmental Protection Minister Idit Silman, the pilot "gender-segregated bathing in the summer months" will begin operating next week in some of the Nature and Parks Authority's springs, there were reactions opposing the minister's move.

Adv. Gali Singer, Deputy CEO and Head of the Women's Lobby's Legal Department, said: "It starts with a pilot and slowly expands to the entire company. We have recently witnessed more and more cases in which the public sphere has become discriminatory and unequal, all funded by public funds. In some cases, discounts are even offered for those who attend the separate hours. These steps are very worrying.

"This is another way for extremist elements to take us back, step by step, pilot and another pilot. We're not going to let this kind of thing go under the radar. We will continue to act against the phenomenon and ensure that every place is open to all genders."

Former Knesset member Ram Shefa said: "Here is Silman again, without a drop of shame. Insisting on continuing to push a 'pilot' in a separate bath, you understand what the next step will be right? Respect and sensitivity to the other certainly yes, forcing creeping gender segregation absolutely not."

Here is Silman again, without a drop of shame.
Insisting on continuing to push a "pilot" in separate bathing, you understand what the next step will be right?

Respect and sensitivity to the other Absolutely yes, forcing creeping gender segregation absolutely not.
Publication of @amirettin

— Ram Shefa (@ramshefa) August 1, 2023

On the other hand, there were also sympathetic responses, Shai Glick, B'Tselem's CEO, a year to the minister on the matter: "This is a holiday. Finally, all citizens of Israel, no matter their religion, will be able to enjoy natural resources. So far, tens of percent of Israel's citizens, both Jews and Arabs, have been excluded from access to natural resources. Now discrimination has finally been eliminated. I thank Sarah and strengthen her hands. We will continue to fight for the human rights of all Israeli citizens in general, the religious and ultra-Orthodox public in particular."

Parking Eye,

The pilot, which Minister Silman committed to several months ago, will take place on a specific basis in August, at the sites of the Ein Haniya and Enot Tsukim Nature Reserves Authority.

Idit Silman spoke at the Haaretz climate conference - and was silenced by the audience

The pilot will operate beyond normal operating hours so as not to harm the general public. The two selected natural sites operate during the summer from 8am to 00pm. Gender-segregated bathing will take place only some days of the week, and only beyond the normal operating hours of these springs - in order that the activity will not come at the expense of the bathing hours of the general public, who wish to bathe freely and without separation.

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