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In honor of the summer vacation: summer breaks records - and when will relief be felt? | Weather Forecast | Israel Hayom

8/1/2023, 5:33:43 PM

Highlights: Tomorrow will be clear to partly cloudy and there will be a slight increase in temperatures. Hot and dry in the mountains and inland and steamy in the coastal strip. Most areas of the country will experience heavy heat load, but already on Friday relief will be felt. Meanwhile, the Israel Meteorological Service published a climate review and determined that July this year is the hottest ever. The next two days the weather will be warmer than usual for the season, with the coastal plain and lowlands experiencing heavy heat.

Tomorrow will be clear to partly cloudy and there will be a slight increase in temperatures • Hot and dry in the mountains and inland and steamy in the coastal strip • Most areas of the country will experience heavy heat load, but already on Friday relief will be felt • Meanwhile, the Israel Meteorological Service published a climate review and determined that July this year is the hottest ever

The next two days the weather will be warmer than usual for the season, with the coastal plain and lowlands experiencing heavy heat. Heat loads are expected to continue into Thursday, but relief will be felt on Friday and Saturday.

A huge swarm of jellyfish is spotted in the Haifa Bay area | Rotem Sadeh, Israel Nature and Parks Authority

The Mediterranean Sea will be comfortable to wavy, the jellyfish, of the migratory wire type and purple floral, have been observed on a number of beaches in Israel as individual items. However, be alert and watch out for jellyfish in the water.

Forecast in detail

Tomorrow will be warmer than usual in the mountains and inland, and steamy in the coastal plain. Moderate to heavy heat load will prevail in the mountains, heavy in the coastal plain, lowlands, and northern Negev, heavy to extreme in the northern valleys, the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and the Arava.

Citizens spending time at the beach, photo: Gideon Markowitz

The Mediterranean Sea will be wavy with waves 50-100 centimeters high.

On Thursday, heavy heat is expected across the country and there will be no changes. The Mediterranean Sea will also be comfortable to wavy with waves 40-80 centimeters high.

Friday will be partly cloudy to clear, with a slight drop in temperatures, mainly in the mountains and inland. In terms of heat load distribution, there will be moderate heat load in the mountains, moderate to heavy heat load in the coastal plain, the lowlands, and the northern Negev, heavy in the northern valleys, the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and the Arava.

On Saturday the weather will be noticeably unchanged. The Mediterranean Sea will be wavy with waves 50-100 centimeters high.

July this year is the hottest month ever measured

The Israel Meteorological Service today published its climate review of July. Director of Climate Services, Dr. Amos Porat, noted in his review that July of this year was considerably warmer than average. Although the service notes that 2017 measured a warmer July nationally, there are many places in Israel where record temperatures were measured during the second part of the month – when, as you recall, the heat wave of Cleon hit Israel.

Visitors to the beachdespite the heat wave, photo: Liron Moldovan

A comparison with the months of July in the past showed that in some areas, mainly in the coastal plain, lowlands and northern valleys, July 2023 is the warmest at maximum temperature. Compared to the past, July ranks second in the series of spatial measurements from 1950.

The service further notes the growing concern about climate change and the effects that this change has.

Unusual heat wave

Regarding the Cleon heat wave, the weather service notes that although in terms of temperature it was not exceptional in its daily highs, it was unusual in its duration – such a long hot streak has been received few times in the past.

There have been three long hot sequences in the last 13 years, but before that such sequences were much more unusual.

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