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Coalition Chairman Ofir Katz: "The Attorney General's Decisions Make Citizens' Lives Miserable" | Israel Hayom

8/2/2023, 4:23:59 PM

Highlights: Coalition Chairman MK Ofir Katz summarizes the last conference ahead of the recess. Katz: "The selfie? We have nothing to be ashamed of" On the doctors' strike: "We will see them shut down private medicine" And: What is his opinion of the Minister of Justice? After the reduction of the reasonableness grounds was passed in the current conference, the Knesset went on recess. In an interview to be published Friday in "Israel This Week," Katz claims that he "doesn't want to beat the pilots, but does want to beating the first Israel"

MK Ofir Katz summarizes the last conference ahead of the recess and opens it all • "The selfie? We have nothing to be ashamed of" • On the doctors' strike: "We will see them shut down private medicine" • And: What is his opinion of the Minister of Justice?

After the reduction of the reasonableness grounds was passed in the current conference, the Knesset went on recess. Coalition Chairman MK Ofir Katz sums up the conference, which was supposed to be sleepy and became particularly turbulent. In an interview to be published Friday in "Israel This Week," Katz claims that he "doesn't want to beat the pilots, but does want to beat the first Israel – the discrimination and gaps that exist in Israeli society," and claims that "there was a statement that bothered me most that 'we will vote in favor only in agreement with the opposition.'"

Want to beat the first Israel, Coalition Chairman Ofir Katz,

"Netanyahu? The protest moved him."

Regarding the impact of the protest on the prime minister, Katz says that "the protest moved him a lot" and that it "was meaningful to him, he did not ignore it. Especially what happened in the army." According to him, the threats among reservists and medical personnel have made members of the government more determined to pass the law.

"The protest moved him a lot", Coalition Chairman Katz with Prime Minister Netanyahu, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

"The threats that 'we won't come to fly and we won't come to operate' were a great weight in the decision – even by those who don't 'love' the reform with the same piety as Levin or Rothman. Why did they shut down public medicine and harm the weak and the periphery? Will we see them shut down private medicine, where they earn well, suddenly there is democracy? The threats had a heavy weight in all of us' decision that there is no option B, the law must pass."

They wouldn't shut down private medicine, doctors' protest, photo: Coco

Not ashamed to celebrate

Katz also responds to criticism of the "selfie" celebrations after the law was passed and attacked. "Why should we be ashamed of this? That when the previous government transferred billions in the budget to Mansour Abbas and it burned the hearts of half the country, they also took a selfie, did anyone say something to them?"

Not ashamed, Katz smiling with Netanyahu and Smotrich, Photo: None

In his criticism of the protest against the reform, the coalition chairman claims that "there is a group here that thinks that they own the house, they think, 'Why will another government be formed?' Their perception is that they are the masters of the land, the educated, the rich, and if they decide not to legislate, then they will not legislate. As far as they are concerned, 'Who are those from the periphery, from Afula, these giants who will determine what will happen here?' In their heads, a thought spins about 'what does this giant even want?'

"What does this giant even want?" The protest march to Jerusalem, photo: Yossi Zeliger

According to him, "Yair Golan, Ehud Barak, Bogie, Halutz, Tamir Pardo. These are people who contributed to the country, but now the hatred for Netanyahu has overcome them. Some of them tried to be elected to the Knesset and failed, they were kicked out democratically and can't get it."
Among other things, Katz also criticizes Ben-Gvir for boycotting the votes in the Knesset plenum during the budget period. "I was disappointed in him when he boycotted the plenum. I made it clear that I would not accept such behavior in the next session. A party that behaves like this again will not have laws promoted. I will set the boundaries, otherwise we will not be able to run as a coalition."

"Hatred for Netanyahu has overcome them", Ehud Barak and Yair Golan, Photo: Herzi Shapira, Gil Eliyahu/Ginny

"Is it now permissible to block roads?"

The coalition chairman did not spare harsh criticism of Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara as well. "Her decisions make the lives of citizens miserable. It approves demonstrations at the airport and disruption of train traffic. Look at how road closures have become commonplace, it shouldn't be like this.
"To demonstrate yes, to embitter civilian lives no. These questions came to her and not only did she say it was okay, she also said that there is no demonstration without disturbing public order. In the past, during the Disengagement, when people might have thought about demonstrating, they would have already been stopped on buses. Fourteen-year-old girls were taken into custody. How did it happen that it is now permissible to block a road?"

"Making the lives of citizens miserable", Attorney General Gali Baharav Miara, photo: Mark Israel Salem

As for the status of Justice Minister and "architect of the reform," Yariv Levin, Katz says that his status has improved in the Likud, but thinks it should and could have been handled differently. "His standing in the Likud has improved, but it should have been done differently. Didn't have to bring everything in one fell swoop, it created a scary atmosphere. I heard he thinks that way too, I think he understands that."

The full article will be published on Friday in the "Israel This Week" supplement.

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