The Limited Times

Opinion | "Conquerors of Galilee": Stop with the Politicization of Zionism | Israel Hayom

8/2/2023, 5:34:37 AM

Highlights: The anniversary of the start of the Israeli settlements in the Galilee was marked with a protest. The protest was called "a celebration of the birth of the nation," but it turned out to be a protest against the establishment of the settlements. The protests were peaceful, and the police did not force anyone to leave the ground. The event was held in memory of those who lost their lives in the war for Israel's independence in the early 1950s. It was also a celebration for those who are still living in the area, who have been forced to leave.

They called the place "an outpost of a Torah core in the Galilee" and called the event "a messianic bombamla on the soil of the Galilee." Yes, apparently if you are a national religious, you must be a Christian

It was supposed to be a celebration of lovers of the Galilee, a joy of all those who understand that without the empowerment of Jewish settlement, the State of Israel will lose the Lower Galilee.

It was supposed to be the feast day of all those who are sons and daughters, grandchildren and granddaughters of those who settled this land in a kibbutz, moshav or town. of all those who know what settlement is.

Indeed, this is what they hoped the celebration would look like in Ramat Arbel yesterday. The establishment of the settlement, which is still unauthorized, was decided upon by the Israeli government two decades ago. She decided, but didn't execute. A year ago, a group of families decided to take action and went to the ground. It sought to pressure the government and establish facts on the ground. A month ago, the government decided that the community would be established, and this time for real, with concrete decisions on planning, budgeting and division of powers between government ministries.

On Monday, the settlers marked both the one-year anniversary of the landing and the new decision.

But there were also those who came to destroy. The protesters, who started against the reform but are no longer just there, allegedly came only to demonstrate in front of government ministers and MKs who came to participate in the event. But in practice, their publications said otherwise. They called the place "an outpost of a Torah core in the Galilee," and the event was called "a messianic bombamla on the soil of the Galilee."

Yes, it seems that if you are a national religious, you must be a Christian. About 300 people arrived, armed with deafening zamburas.

They obviously had gaskets, so they wouldn't be hurt by the noise. The demonstrators did not stand where the police allotted them and did not demonstrate against the MKs at all. They invaded the event and did not allow it to take place. The deafening noise terrified the children who came with their parents, who had to drive them away. The police did not enforce order or direct the demonstrators to where they were supposed to be.

When one of the organizers of the event asked the police chief why he was not doing his job, the commander replied, "What can I do?" Thus, the police relied on the tolerance and law-abiding of Christians to allow their event to be spoiled and not raise a hand or push the aggressor by force.

Finally, the celebration turned into a dance party, and the revelers managed to rejoice. After all, people who cling to the ground in difficult conditions will not break so easily. Still, the event ended in a bitter taste.

Many residents of the regional council support the young community. They donate money to him, their children come to volunteer there and help the settlers who put their heels in the ground not for their own benefit but for the sake of and in the name of national value. Most of the supporters are not right-wingers and do not come from religious Zionism, because it is not at all a matter of sector or political positions.

Strengthening the Galilee is a task that everyone to whom this country is dear sees value. One would expect that leftists, those whose resumes contain a line about settlements and a line about significant service in the IDF, and another line about caring about what is happening here, because this is what they wave day and night, to come to identify with the deed of the Galilee pioneers.

Maybe they'll even get advice from those who know the challenges on the ground, maybe they'll offer them help, because this protest has so many budgets. But no. On the way to the protest, like what has been happening here for many months, their own values were forgotten. Settlement, respect for others, democracy.

At the end of the evening, spontaneous groups of people from both sides of the conflict gathered to talk and talk. They must have discovered that everyone has eyes and a heart and a head, and that the other side is not a monster.

It's not difficult, because both sides share so many common values.

It's just a shame that it didn't happen earlier, when the protesters would abandon the zamburas and join the dances, thus choosing to join the builders rather than the destroyers.

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