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"They're taking us back years": The secret meeting that stalled the draft law - and the battle with the attorney general | Israel Hayom

8/3/2023, 4:34:38 PM

Highlights: The coalition plans to pass a package of three laws that will help solve the issue of haredi recruitment. The Basic Law for Torah Study equates the status of Avrach with a soldier. The Prestige of Service Law, which raises the salaries of those who serve, and the exemption law, which talks about releasing yeshiva students from military service. Haredim who received an exemption are supposed to remain in theYeshiva until the age of 26, and are now seeking to lower that age to 22.

Away from public attention, in a side room, a small team gathered and held a discussion on a critical issue that is more important and significant than even the cause of reasonableness • The law that is expected to affect each and every one of us • "Taking people out on the street for recruiting haredim is much easier than putting them out on legal quibbles about the grounds of reasonableness," claims one of those involved

In the huge riots in the Knesset, last Monday afternoon, there was terrifying heat and fiery demonstrations. But even inside the Knesset it was boiling. In front of the cameras, an argument developed between Gallant and Levine and a dramatic vote to reduce the cause of reasonableness. Under cover of the commotion and away from public attention, a small team gathered in a side room of the Cabinet Secretariat and, with refreshments of pretzels and dry waffles, held a discussion on a critical issue that is more important and significant than even the cause of reasonableness - the draft law.

Demonstrators block Ayalon on "Equality Day" to protest against the draft law (archive)

With all due respect to reasonableness, the draft law is likely to really affect each and every one of us. The coalition believes that he will be at the center of the protests against the government in the next session, some say even more intensely than we have seen so far, "Taking people out on the street for recruiting haredim is much easier than putting them out on legal quibbles over the grounds of reasonableness," claims one of those involved.

Still, the government has no intention of capitulating, where they plan to pass the draft law in the next session at any cost. In August, most of the political system shifted gears, but the draft law is strong on the table. However, Israel Hayom has learned that in the meantime the law has stalled. Although the opposition is free, the opposition is stronger – the legal counsel is strong in the picture and according to one of those present at the meeting, not only is the law stalled and not advancing, but they are going backwards. Instead of repairs and renovations, we return to the debate over the substance of the law.

"The government is not going to surrender." Knesset plenum, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Some background: The coalition plans to pass a package of three laws that will help solve the issue of haredi recruitment – the Basic Law for Torah Study, which equates the status of Avrach with a soldier, the Prestige of Service Law, which raises the salaries of those who serve, and the exemption law, which talks about releasing yeshiva students from military service. Another important detail: Haredim who received an exemption are supposed to remain in the yeshiva until the age of 26, and are now seeking to lower the age of exemption to 22-21, thereby bringing about the integration of Haredim into employment in a more optimal way.

At the discussion held that Monday, members of the small recruitment team were present, including Uri Maklev, Meir Frosh, Ariel Attias, representatives of the Minister of Finance, Attorney General of the Ministry of Defense, Cabinet Secretary Yossi Fuchs and Attorney General Gil Limon. A discussion full of quibbles ensued. The members of the small committee said that they put aside for a moment the value of equality and intend to march for the sake of employment, which carries great weight that is right and good for the State of Israel.

"Releasing yeshiva children from military service", illustration, photo: Flash 90

Entering the Employment Market

Deputy Attorney General Dr. Gil Limon dropped a bombshell and said that he accepted the new principle (employment) but demanded to know how soon the change would be seen in the exit of the ultra-Orthodox into the labor market. The figure presented was about ten years, and Limon demanded not to enact a law but to establish only a temporary order for a period of ten years. Ariel Attias and the haredi representatives were furious, "it will create a situation whereby the haredim have no interest in succeeding," he argued, explaining that if the plan succeeds and haredim integrate into the labor market, the problem will be solved and again the issue will return to be examined under the value of equality and again the High Court of Justice will disqualify. If the plan fails, the issue will again be examined under the value of equality, and here too the High Court will disqualify," the ultra-Orthodox lose anyway, he argued.

The meeting exploded without a decision, and among the ultra-Orthodox representatives there is great concern: "There are very large gaps, gaps that take us back years. The winter session opens in two months. A law must be brought in, and so far there is not even a draft. There is complacency. We come to a professional meeting and discover big gaps."

Allow together

Meanwhile, the "Family" newspaper published an interview by Cabinet Secretary Yossi Fuchs, who addresses the issue and says, "The indices of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Finance show that if we allow Haredim to enter the labor market at an earlier age, it will lead to a significant entry of members of the Haredi sector into the labor market, and looking two decades ahead, tens of billions will be added to Israel's GDP. We will present this as a worthy purpose, we will also publish the tables of the treasury, and thus we will earn both goals. On the one hand, we will cherish and reward those who serve in the army, and on the other hand, we will allow students to continue studying, and for those who do not want to remain in the yeshiva or kollel, we will allow them to integrate into the employment market."

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