The Limited Times

England: hospital doctors start a new strike

8/11/2023, 1:35:45 AM

Highlights: Thousands of English hospital doctors begin a four-day strike on Friday (August 11th) to demand better wages. The BMA union claims that these doctors have lost 26% of remuneration, in real terms, since 2008. British Health Secretary Steve Barclay said in a statement on Friday that patients are bearing the brunt of the impact of ongoing strikes. About 7.6 million people are waiting for treatment in England, a record, announced Thursday the NHS, which is going through a deep crisis.

Thousands of English hospital doctors begin a four-day strike on Friday (August 11th) to demand better wages in a country that...

Thousands of British hospital doctors begin a four-day strike on Friday 11 August to demand better wages in a country struggling with high inflation, an additional social movement affecting a public health service already in crisis. The "junior doctors", a status close to that of interns in France, have been multiplying strikes in recent months, leading to the postponement of many non-urgent medical appointments. Their last mobilization took place in mid-July. From Friday 07:00 local (06:00 GMT), they will strike again for four days, until Tuesday morning.

In the UK, junior doctors make up about half of hospital doctors, ranging from young doctors fresh out of university to practitioners with more than eight years' experience. The BMA union claims that these doctors have lost 26% of remuneration, in real terms, since 2008, when savings were imposed on health services as part of austerity policies. He is asking for a 35% increase in wages, which the government opposes.

7.6 million people waiting for treatment

While inflation weighs on purchasing power in the United Kingdom, walkouts have been observed by nurses, doctors and paramedics alike. According to figures from the National Health Service (NHS), nearly 835,000 medical appointments have had to be postponed due to the various strike movements since December 2022 in England.

"Patients are bearing the brunt of the impact of ongoing strikes across the NHS," British Health Secretary Steve Barclay said in a statement on Friday. He added that the salary increase offered in mid-July to "junior doctors" - a 6% increase and a bonus of 1,250 pounds - is "definitive". "I therefore urge the BMA to immediately end its strikes," Barclay said.

About 7.6 million people are waiting for treatment in England, a record, announced Thursday the NHS, which is going through a deep crisis, weakened by austerity policies and the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic.