The Limited Times

Taiwan's foreign minister criticises Germany's China policy: "Just talking is not enough"

9/12/2023, 9:03:19 AM

Highlights: Taiwan's foreign minister calls for a new approach to China. He sees German companies in particular as having a duty – and warns them not to be lulled by China. Wu: "I would like Germany to think more about how to deal with an authoritarian China" Taiwan has increased its defense budget, reformed its military, and extended its conscription. The U.S. is intensifying their military exercises with countries such as Japan, the Philippines, South Korea and Australia. The G7, the EU – everyone is talking about the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

Status: 12.09.2023, 10:52 a.m.

By: Sven Hauberg


Taiwan's Foreign Minister Joseph Wu in conversation with IPPEN. MEDIA and representatives of other international media in Taipei. © Chin Hung Hao/Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In an interview, Taiwan's foreign minister calls for a new approach to China. He sees German companies in particular as having a duty – and warns them not to be lulled by China.

Taipei – Even before the conversation begins, Joseph Wu makes it clear what is at stake: "Taiwan is being put under pressure by a large neighbor," says the foreign minister of the democratically governed country, which China regards as part of its own territory. Wu receives IPPEN. MEDIA and representatives of other international media at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taipei and used the almost two hours of this meeting to campaign for more support for his country. Above all, he has a message for Germany: "I would like Germany to think more about how to deal with an authoritarian China that is becoming more and more influential internationally."

Minister, how likely do you think it is that China will attack Taiwan soon?

There are analysts who say that the war will break out at the end of this year, or next year, or not until 2027, or 2035 ... But such speculation does not help us. What is more important is that we are prepared for the worst-case scenario and at the same time do everything we can to ensure that war does not occur. We must stop China from using force against Taiwan.

How is Taiwan preparing?

First of all, Taiwan needs sufficient deterrence capabilities. That's why we've increased our defense budget, reformed our military, and extended our conscription. We are also acquiring weapons from the U.S. and are in exchange with the U.S. to better train our military. China knows that it would not be easy to take Taiwan.

What else is important?

It is also important that our partners are ready to deter China. The U.S. is very worried about war. They are therefore intensifying their military exercises with countries such as Japan, the Philippines, South Korea and Australia. The G7, the EU – everyone is talking about the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. This is a positive step forward.


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"What is needed now is a good policy in dealing with China"

Do you also see such a development in the case of Germany?

We see great efforts in Germany and other EU countries to rethink their policy towards China. There is a growing awareness that China poses a more open challenge to the democratic world and to the rules-based international order. We welcome the fact that Germany's China strategy underlines the importance of peace and stability and talks about potential challenges posed by China.


However, just talking about China is not enough. What is needed now is a good policy in dealing with China. Take, for example, China's crimes against humanity in Xinjiang or what is happening in Tibet or Hong Kong: Will Germany take any concrete measures to counter China's human rights violations?

In Germany, the debate currently revolves primarily around economic issues and the reduction of dependencies – keyword "de-risking".

I welcome the German approach to de-risking. That's a good concept. But how do we implement it? It cannot be that the German government calls for this – and then the companies do something else. I know that large parts of the German economy still think that there is no way around China. And because they think so, they are urging the German government to be more cautious towards China.

After all, China is Germany's most important trading partner.

We should be aware of one thing: China always pursues political goals in its economic relations. I also believe that China needs the German market, German capital and German technology more than the other way around. But somehow the Chinese managed to persuade the Germans that Germany could not survive without the Chinese market. If the Germans do not change their thinking, then de-risking is nothing more than an empty phrase.

"The entire world would be affected by a Taiwan crisis"

Taiwan also has close economic ties with China.

We know that China is a major threat to us. That is why we have to balance our economic relations with China very carefully. We must ensure that our investments in China do not pose a threat to our own security. The same goes for Chinese investment in Taiwan. China's economy must not dominate our own economy.

What do you want from Germany?

Taiwan and Germany share not only economic interests, but also values such as peace, democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights. If the German government and German companies continue to be so afraid of China, then there will be no progress, and that will make many things very difficult. I would like Germany to think more about how to deal with an authoritarian China that is becoming more and more influential internationally. And how it can take on more responsibility internationally.

Some people still consider the Taiwan issue to be a regional problem that has nothing to do with us.

Let's take the war in Ukraine: not only Ukraine is affected, but the entire world – through energy shortages, food crisis or inflation. The entire world would also be affected by a Taiwan crisis. 50 percent of the world's traded goods are transported through the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan also produces 60 percent of the world's semiconductors and 92 percent of the most advanced semiconductors. You can imagine the economic impact of a Chinese attack on Taiwan. Peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait are crucial for global security and prosperity. And if we don't stop China from attacking Taiwan, they might also attack the Philippines or other countries. Just look at China's ambitions in the Indo-Pacific. It is so obvious what goals China is pursuing!

"We must behave responsibly and not provoke China"

Taiwan has intensified its unofficial relations with other countries in recent years. You were in Prague in the summer, and here in Taipei, foreign politicians are coming and going. There are voices that say that this exchange only makes a conflict with China more likely because Beijing feels provoked ...

There are also people here in Taiwan who think that we are provoking China by receiving prominent politicians from abroad. But if we look at Eastern Europe, for example, where we have very close relations with many countries: these countries have had their own experiences with communism, and when they see how we are threatened and harassed, they feel a natural sympathy for Taiwan. China cannot stop this. Yes, we must behave responsibly and not provoke China. And it seems to be working. China cannot find an excuse to start a war against Taiwan. They may threaten Taiwan, but they are not attacking us.

China is currently struggling with economic problems. Does that make a war more likely – or is a poorer China a friendlier China?

As China becomes richer and more powerful, it will have more resources to threaten other countries. However, when a great power experiences a slowdown in the economy, it can also mean that it behaves more provocatively in order to maintain its influence. An authoritarian country going through domestic political difficulties could use an external crisis to draw the attention of the domestic audience and hold the country together. Taiwan could be the target of such a tactic. But be that as it may, China's threats to Taiwan are not going away anytime soon, whether it gets bigger and stronger or poorer and weaker. We must always be ready.

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