The Limited Times

Baby drowns in migrant-boat chaos at Lampedusa

9/13/2023, 7:55:06 AM

Highlights: A five-month-old baby boy has drowned after he ended up in the water as the migrant-boat he was aboard tried to dock in the port of the Italian island of Lampedusa. The baby's body has been taken to the mortuary at the island'sCala Pisana cemetery. The police have asked for the mother, who is at Lampingusa'smigrant hotspot, to be given psychological support. The other people who fell in theWater were saved.

A five-month-old baby boy has drowned after he ended up in the water as the migrant-boat he was aboard tried to dock in the port of the Italian island of Lampedusa early on Wednesday. © ANSA

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 13 - A five-month-old baby boy has drownedafter he ended up in the water as the migrant-boat he was aboardtried to dock in the port of the Italian island of Lampedusaearly on Wednesday.
   The tragedy took place at around 4:18am when a number of peoplefell off the boat carrying 46 people during a chaotic landingoperation.
   The other people who fell in the water were saved.
   The baby's body has been taken to the mortuary at the island'sCala Pisana cemetery.
   The police have asked for the mother, who is at Lampedusa'smigrant hotspot, to be given psychological support. (ANSA).

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