The Limited Times

Emmanuel Macron faces the Lampedusa trap

9/16/2023, 4:44:08 AM

Highlights: The lifeless body of a 5-month-old infant found drowned. Thousands of migrants arrived this week on this small Italian island. The arrival, this week, of thousands of migrants in a few days on the Italian island of Lampedusa off the coast of Tunisia has put the migration issue back at the heart of the debates. All the more burning and exacerbated as everyone has in mind the prospect of the European elections in June 2024. The President of the Republic assured that the. script could, and this is the tragedy of the story, have been written in advance.

While thousands of migrants arrived this week on this small Italian island, the President of the Republic assured that the

The script could, and this is the tragedy of the story, have been written in advance. Always the same humanitarian drama in Mediterranean waters, until the unbearable: the lifeless body of a 5-month-old infant found drowned. Always the same political battles, with knives drawn and spirits heated. The arrival, this week, of thousands of migrants in a few days on the Italian island of Lampedusa off the coast of Tunisia has put the migration issue back at the heart of the debates, all the more burning and exacerbated as everyone has in mind the prospect of the European elections in June 2024.

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