The Limited Times

He shoots in a bar, hides at home and tries to escape disguised as a woman with a Manila shawl

9/19/2023, 9:37:08 AM

Highlights: Police arrested in Alcalá de Henares a man who caused minor injuries to two customers and tried to flee with wig, sunglasses and socks that pretended to be female breasts. The man, a 55-year-old Spaniard, decided to disguise himself as a woman to escape the judicial device, but he was not sure how to look like one. The judge sent the detainee to prison, accused of attempted homicide and a crime against public health for the drug found in his home. The story did not end with the arrest, police searched the house and discovered two kilos of marijuana.

Police arrested in Alcalá de Henares a man who caused minor injuries to two customers and tried to flee with wig, sunglasses and socks that pretended to be female breasts

The attire did not mislead the agents and the night of fury of a man from Alcalá de Henares came to an end, despite the Manila shawl. This is the end but, to place yourself at the beginning of this story, you have to go to a bar in this Madrid town. It's Friday morning, about half past three. Two men and a woman approach a bar in the Plaza de Langarena when it is about to close and the owner warns them that, at most, he can put a glass in a plastic cup. The trio is not convinced by the offer and begins to create problems, one of them even destroys part of the furniture. "Fracture a glass table that throws against the ground," collects the police report. One of them, the most upset, leaves, but not because he has surrendered, but because he returns 10 minutes later with a firearm with which he slightly wounds two people, one of them, the woman who accompanied him. This was just the beginning. After the shooting, the man vanished.

The police spring into action at this point. Those affected tell the agents what happened and the patrol starts to inspect the place. There are several callsigns that begin to make raids in the area. They locate the two companions of the alleged attacker of the gun. She says she met him that same day and knows nothing about him. Hours pass and dawn. They reach the vehicle of the alleged aggressor and, through the passenger window, observe a simulated pistol and two cartridges that could correspond to the description made by the witnesses of the attack in the bar. At this point, and thanks to the inquiries of Friday morning, they already have a possible identity and an address that corresponds to that name. The search for the trail of the furious man continues. The agents have verified that it is a dangerous individual with a long criminal record behind him.

About one o'clock in the afternoon, there is a pin marked on the map as the place where the aggressor is surely located. The agents decided to establish surveillance around the suspect's home from that time. At that point, the GEO, the elite police force, had been incorporated. He was a man who had shot in a bar and who accumulated fifty records for injuries, robberies and threats. No one knew what he was going to be capable of. But there was no movie assault, no fierce shooting, no barricading himself at home. After two and a half hours, around half past three, a figure emerges from the portal in a rather bizarre way. Manila shawl, beige boots, a black wig, sunglasses and two strange lumps on the chest. The agents hesitate, it is hard to believe that this was the shadow behind which they had been for several hours.

They decide to stop him. And they are right. The man, a 55-year-old Spaniard, had decided to disguise himself as a woman to escape the judicial device, but he was not sure how to look like one. And that he had not left any detail to chance, the lumps on his chest were two rolled socks. When he discovers the cops, he tries to back off and get back into the portal, but it's too late.

Weapon allegedly used by the detainee in Alcalá de Henares in an attack in a bar in the municipality. National Police

The story did not end with the arrest. Once handcuffed, police searched the house and discovered two kilos of marijuana. Hours later, a woman who was going to feed the cats of a feline colony of the municipality warned that she had discovered a bag with a sawed-off shotgun and cartridges in the park of Los Nogales. The scientific police now analyze this weapon and that of the car to elucidate which of the two was used in the attack on the bar. The judge sent the detainee to prison, accused of attempted homicide and a crime against public health for the drug found in his home. End of the suspect's 24-hour rage with the Manila shawl.

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