The Limited Times

The RN has repaid the full "Russian loan"

9/19/2023, 1:08:15 PM

Highlights: The National Rally (RN) has repaid the entirety of the famous "Russian loan" The loan, which had become a real political burden for Marine Le Pen and her movement, was contracted on 11th September 2014 with the Czech-Russian bank First Czech Russian Bank. In 2016, the establishment went bankrupt. The loan of the RN is then in the hands of a totally Russian company: Aviazapchast S.A. The sum, reimbursed in one go, is substantial: "6,088,784.00 euros", "capital and interest included", says the RN.

INFO LE FIGARO. The sum, reimbursed in one go by the RN to the Russian company Aviazapchast, is substantial: "6,088,784.00 euros", "capital and interest included", says the RN.

Jordan Bardella had set himself the goal of ending this sword of Damocles before the start of the 2024 European campaign. It is now done. The National Rally (RN) has repaid the entirety of the famous "Russian loan", Le Figaro learned on Tuesday, September 19. "It's a relief given the political argument that this simple loan had become," said the RN deputy of Moselle Kevin Pfeffer, also treasurer of the party. The sum, reimbursed in one go, is substantial: "6,088,784.00 euros", "capital and interest included", specifies the RN.

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This loan, which had become a real political burden for Marine Le Pen and her movement, was contracted on 11th September 2014 with the Czech-Russian bank First Czech Russian Bank. In 2016, the establishment went bankrupt. The loan of the RN is then in the hands of a totally Russian company: Aviazapchast S.A.

By repaying this loan, very quickly, Jordan Bardella, president of the RN and head of the list of his party...

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