The Limited Times

Visit of Charles III: a gold medal and a novel by Romain Gary, Emmanuel Macron's gifts to the king

9/19/2023, 6:17:19 PM

Highlights: The President of the Republic will offer the British sovereign on a state visit in France an original edition. Charles III has not forgotten the very personal gift that Emmanuel Macron gave him at the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, a year ago in London. Forty-five shots in total, including one where we see her in 1957 alongside René Coty, others with General de Gaulle, Georges Pompidou or François Mitterrand. CLICK HERE for all the latest from the French Riviera.

INFO LE PARISIEN. This Wednesday, the President of the Republic will offer the British sovereign on a state visit in France an original edition

Charles III has not forgotten the very personal gift that Emmanuel Macron gave him at the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, a year ago in London: a photo album, retracing the visits of his mother in France during his long reign. Forty-five shots in total, including one where we see her in 1957 alongside René Coty, others with General de Gaulle, Georges Pompidou or François Mitterrand.

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