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US Jewry Warns: Anti-Netanyahu Messages Increase Anti-Semitism | Israel Hayom

9/21/2023, 4:07:21 PM

Highlights: According to American Jewish organizations, the protest displays and anti-Israeli messages translate immediately into an increase in anti-Semitic attacks. One People wrote to Netanyahu: "We cannot remain silent when the security of Israel's 9 million citizens is undermined" In addition, a demonstration in support of Israel is expected to take place in New York this evening. The demonstration will be led by Professor Alan Dershowitz, the keynote speaker at the demonstration of support for Israel on Friday night. The letter was sent ahead of the prime minister's speech at the United Nations on Friday.

According to American Jewish organizations, the protest displays and anti-Israeli messages translate immediately into an increase in anti-Semitic attacks One People wrote to Netanyahu: "We cannot remain silent when the security of Israel's 9 million citizens is undermined" In addition, a demonstration in support of Israel is expected to take place in New York this evening

Ahead of the prime minister's speech at the United Nations on Friday, American Jewish organizations sent Netanyahu letters of support and called on him to ignore crossing the lines of protest against him. In addition, American Jews warn that the harsh messages against Netanyahu increase the level of anti-Semitism and endanger Jewish communities.

Demonstrations in front of the US embassies in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem//Moshe Ben-Simhon

The Zionist Organization of America, founded in 1897, published a public letter signed by its head stating, "We are proud to welcome you to the United States and the United Nations and ZOA President Morton Klein looks forward to meeting with you in New York. We are proud to hold large demonstrations in support of you, Prime Minister Netanyahu, and the democratic government of the Jewish State of Israel."

Regarding the judicial reform, it said: "We urge you to move forward with reform that improves democracy and is sorely needed. Israel must put an end to this judicial dictatorship. The distinguished American justices, Robert Burke and Richard Posner, wrote long articles years ago in which they called Israel's Supreme Court system the worst in the world, which dragged more power than any court should." The organization also stresses that Netanyahu must refrain from making concessions to the Palestinians, with or without connection to the agreement with Saudi Arabia.

"We urge you to move forward with reform that improves democracy." Times Square, Photo: Takuma 2023

Another appeal to Netanyahu came from One People, an organization of leaders and businessmen working to strengthen the ties between Israel and Diaspora Jewry. "As an organization that promotes the connection between Israel and the Diaspora and out of concern for Israel's security, we would like to express deep concern over the inciting content and style adopted by the Israeli protest movement during Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to the United States. One People has no position on the process and content of legal reform in Israel, but it does respect the ability of Israeli citizens to formulate policy on this internal issue. We cannot remain silent when the security of Israel's 9 million citizens is undermined by this activity on American soil."

The organization attacked the protest displays, such as the projection of the "Welcome Bibi" message on Alcatraz prison and the "Don't believe Cryme Minister Netanyahu" display on the UN building in New York. "These are not legitimate tools for conducting the internal Israeli debate on checks and balances," stressed One People, "they arouse anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic feelings in American society and in the world media."

Keynote speaker at the demonstration of support for Israel. Prof. Alan Dershowitz, photo: AFP

The organization later added that "democracy and protest must not be allowed to turn into attempts to undermine the state itself, and thus the security of its residents. We call on the leaders of the Israeli protest movement and their supporters in the United States to act responsibly, aware of the consequences of their actions for both Israel and the American Jewish community.

"There is no better way to sabotage Israeli efforts to stop the Iranian nuclear threat than a sign on the UN building calling on world representatives not to believe Netanyahu's messages about Iran." "As the lessons of the past have shown, any anti-Israel message in the American media is immediately translated into an increase in anti-Semitic attacks on American Jewry."

This evening, a demonstration in support of Israel will be held in New York by a number of organizations, in which the keynote speaker will be Professor Alan Dershowitz.

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