The Limited Times

Netanyahu: Israel, Saudi Arabia 'close' to 'historic' peace

9/22/2023, 2:16:14 PM

Highlights: Iran "must face a credible nuclear threat" to prevent it from developing its nuclear program, Netanyahu says. "As long as I am prime minister of Israel, I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons," he insists. "We are close to an even more spectacular breakthrough, a historic peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia," he says. The Palestinians did not have a right of "veto" on Israeli-Arab relations, he adds, recalling the normalization in 2020.

Israel and Saudi Arabia are "close" to a "historic" peace, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Friday at the...

Israel and Saudi Arabia are "close" to a "historic" peace, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Friday at the UN, judging that the Palestinians did not have a right of "veto" on Israeli-Arab relations.

Recalling the normalization in 2020 of relations with three Arab countries that he called "the dawn of a new era," he said that "we are close to an even more spectacular breakthrough, a historic peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia."

Iran must face 'credible nuclear threat'

Iran "must face a credible nuclear threat" to prevent it from developing its nuclear program, he added. "Above all, Iran must face a nuclear threat. As long as I am prime minister of Israel, I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons," he insisted.

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