The Limited Times

Hamas attack on Israel: MP Rodrigo Arenas distances himself from the Insoumise group

10/9/2023, 2:43:47 PM

Highlights: Hamas attack on Israel: MP Rodrigo Arenas distances himself from the Insoumise group. The Paris MP from the LFI group, a leading figure in the world of education, denounced internally "the abominable crimes committed by Hamas fighters and terrorists" He warns them: "By reducing politics to the polarized field between the good guys and the bad guys, we necessarily condemn ourselves to tolerate acts that are intolerable because they are committed by our friends" He will take part in the march in Paris on Monday evening with SOS Racisme to say "no to terrorism".

The Paris MP from the LFI group, a leading figure in the world of education, denounced internally "the abominable crimes committed by Hamas fighters and terrorists".

Rodrigo Arenas is a member of parliament from Paris from the Insoumise group who is going to be the talk of the town. Well known in the world of education for having been at the head of the first federation of parents, the FCPE, - marked on the left - this son of Chilean refugees sent a letter on Monday to his fellow deputies of the Insoumise group to clarify the situation in Israel. It was published on their internal messaging loop and Le Figaro obtained a copy. "The righteousness of anti-colonial causes and the rejection of oppressionlose their legitimacy the day they accept massacres of civilians and indiscriminate terrorism as acceptable military strategies," Arenas wrote.


If the victims lose their humanity in our eyes because they are on the wrong side of the border between oppressors and oppressed, then all of humanity is murdered," the Paris MP said. His break with most of his LUI comrades is clear, not to mention those of the NPA that the Insoumises plan to associate with their list in the European elections next June. He warns them: "By reducing politics to the polarized field between the good guys and the bad guys, we necessarily condemn ourselves to tolerate acts that are intolerable because they are committed by our friends. I, for one, cannot accept it."


Let's face it, he added, Hamas has long since ceased to serve the Palestinian cause. Neither the assassin of Rabin in the past nor the religious fanatics and B. Nentanyahu today serve the Israeli cause. The only cause served by these corrupt men, thirsty for vengeance and hatred, is the cycle of violence. This infernal spiral of pain and anger that crushes civilians and hope just as death mows down souls.


Rodrigo Arenas invites us to a hope that "cannot be rooted in unhealthy hesitations or the ideological choice of one camp against the other, whose deaths would be celebrated as so many victories". Finally, for him, "when massacres, kidnappings and rapes are celebrated, justified by those who claim to fight against injustice, there is reason to despair. If our idea of the justice of a cause leads us to close our eyes, or worse, to absolve those who dishonor it by their inhumanity, there is reason to despair."

The Insoumise MP draws an unambiguous parallel "between these young people murdered in cold blood in their 'for peace' music festival" and those shot "8 years ago, at the Bataclan". He points to "these families, these women, these children, these old people, shot only and simply because they are Jews" and affirms: "There are words, there are crimes whose historical resonance should never, I insist, NEVER, be forgotten." Rodrigo Arénas will take part in the march in Paris on Monday evening with SOS Racisme to say "no to terrorism".

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