The Limited Times

Hamas rejoices in Berlin: What is the chancellor's oath to Israel worth?

10/9/2023, 4:45:18 PM

Highlights: Hamas rejoices in Berlin: What is the chancellor's oath to Israel worth?. Many of them have not felt safe in Germany for some time. With the many Muslim migrants, not only a new, old image of women and homophobia believed to have been overcome have immigrated to Germany. Anyone who wears a kippah is now exposed to intimidation and threats in the hotspot districts of cities. Not surprisingly, the German Muslim associations have not yet been able to bring themselves to unequivocally condemn the Hamas attack on Israel.

Status: 09.10.2023, 18:37 PM

By: Georg Anastasiadis


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (Archive photo) © Michael Kappeler/dpa/Collage

Celebrations after the Hamas attack show that fervent anti-Semitism has returned to Germany with Muslim migrants, comments Georg Anastasiadis.

Berlin – While Hamas terrorists are slaughtering hundreds of young Israelis, Palestinian sympathizers in Berlin's Neukölln district are cheering the of murder and handing out sweets to passers-by: Our parties are rightly outraged by the disturbing images of the weekend – but the rule of law must now also show its teeth instead of leaving it at the usual rituals of revulsion that unfortunately characterize our country. There is no shortage of ideas. They range from bans on associations to the CDU/CSU's proposal to revoke German citizenship for dual nationals.

Jubilation for Hamas in the middle of Berlin: Germany "steadfastly on Israel's side", according to Scholz

It is simply unacceptable that the country that killed six million Jews in the Holocaust should tolerate openly displayed fantasies of violence against Jewish fellow citizens. Many of them have not felt safe in Germany for some time. With the many Muslim migrants, not only a new, old image of women and homophobia believed to have been overcome have immigrated to Germany, but also an often fervent anti-Semitism. Anyone who wears a kippah is now exposed to intimidation and threats in the hotspot districts of cities, including physical violence. Not surprisingly, the German Muslim associations have not yet been able to bring themselves to unequivocally condemn the Hamas attack on Israel.

The immigration-loving parties have long turned a blind eye to all these problems. Many leftists and Greens preferred to work their way through the state of Israel and suppress the terror of Hamas and Hezbollah. Germany stands "steadfastly by Israel's side," the Chancellor has now praised. Much would be gained if at least the Jews living in Germany could feel a little safer in their everyday lives again. But this requires more than just letting the Brandenburg Gate shine in the colors of Israel.

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