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"It hurts like a limb cut off from the body": Guy Zu-Eretz's nephew was murdered | Israel Hayom

10/10/2023, 11:05:11 AM

Highlights: "It hurts like a limb cut off from the body": Guy Zu-Eretz's nephew was murdered. "My Eli, how much I love you beautiful boy, talented child, happy Meir, sensitive, only 27 years old," Zuaretz eulogized his nephew, the veteran TV presenter. "How afraid I was of this moment that this message of Job would come," he said of the long hours of anxiety he endured trying to obtain information. "They asked me yesterday how can we continue to be a family without me?"

"My Eli, how much I love you beautiful boy, talented child, happy Meir, sensitive, only 27 years old, eulogized his nephew, the veteran TV presenter

The thousands who have been mourning the murder, injury and kidnapping of their dearest ones in recent days were joined by "Big Brother" and "Survivor" host Guy Zu-Ertz, who today (Tuesday) shared his immense pain over the murder of his nephew Eli Baram z"l in the Hamas attack.

"My Eli, my soul, our prince," Zu-Eretz began the heartbreaking post, which was accompanied by a pair of photos of them alongside two other photos of Eli, in which he shared with his 305,<> Instagram followers that his beloved nephew was also among the murder victims at the music festival near Reim.

"How afraid I was of this moment that this message of Job would come," Zu-Eretz said of the long hours of anxiety he endured trying to obtain information. "I saw the picture suggesting it might be you lying there sprawled on the road, but something in me fought, resisted, revolted. I didn't want to believe it was you. Doubt and hope fluttered in my soul. Perhaps this is a mistake. They shouted, 'Maybe it's someone else with a tattoo just like yours on your leg, with a white Nike with a purple stripe, just like the ones you came with, festive and bouncy for a meal we had on Sukkot night.'

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A post shared by Guy Zu-Aretz (@guyzu_aretz)

"And suddenly your picture appeared on the 21 p.m. news with the headline, 'May his memory be blessed,' and it happened before the family was even notified. Shuk," Zuaretz said of the terrible way in which Eli's family found out about his fate.

"And you're there in the picture with that captivating boyish smile, with that look of, 'Come on, I'm here to make a mess.' Hurts. It hurts, how painful. Like a limb cut off from the body," Zuaretz described the unimaginable pain.
It is impossible to understand this black hole that we have fallen into.

"My Eli, how much I love you beautiful boy, talented boy, happy Meir, sensitive, only 27 years old. My god. Walking magic full of humor and love. A man in men you have become.
It's impossible not to love you," Zuaretz continued, eulogizing his beloved nephew.

You have been awarded the title of 'happiest in our family'.
How much warmth you gave our children. How many hugs, laughter and playfulness you taught them and they adored this uncle of theirs," Zuaretz said of the special bond between Eli and his three children.

"They asked me yesterday how can we continue to be a family without me? Heaps of wisdom, grace, grace and kindness you had to give to the world, and the world lost you.

We lost you. My brain, my brain still can't digest that you're no longer here, I love you forever," he concluded the post.

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