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Poisoned offer from Kadyrov: The bloodhound rises to become a peacemaker in the Israeli war

10/10/2023, 7:13:30 PM

Highlights: Poisoned offer from Kadyrov: The bloodhound rises to become a peacemaker in the Israeli war. Russia is holding back from public criticism in the war in Israel, which could become a delicate situation. After all, Iran is one of the few allies of Russian President Vladimir Putin after the Kremlin's international isolation over the Ukraine war. Most recently, Tehran supplied the urgently needed supply of weapons and ammunition – which is why Russia is still holding back public criticism from the public in Israel.

Status: 10.10.2023, 20:56 PM

By: Jens Kiffmeier


He is Putin's man for the rough: Chechen boss Kadyrov wants to interfere in the Israeli war – and send peacekeepers. What's behind it?

Tel Aviv – Unusual appeal: After Hamas' attack on Israel, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has caused astonishment with a statement. The ruler called on the Arab world to intervene in the war and demanded an end to hostilities. At the same time, he offered to send army units as independent peacekeepers. But what's behind it? So far, Kadyrov has stood out more as a brutal agitator than as a prince of peace.

Israel War 2023: Putin's bloodhound Kadyrov plays the peace broker after Hamas attack

In a post on Telegram, three days after the start of the 2023 Israel war, Ramzan Kadyrov declared his fundamental solidarity with the pro-Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas. Nevertheless, he appealed to the "international community" to bring about a peaceful solution to the conflict. For this, the ruler of Chechnya also sees the leaders of Muslim countries as responsible: "Form a coalition and appeal to those you call friends, to Europe and the entire West, so that they do not bomb civilians under the pretext of destroying militants," he wrote in the post published on Tuesday (10 October). If necessary, he added, his country is ready to send its own units as "peacekeepers."

Wants to mediate in the 2023 Israel war: Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov. © Mohammed Talatene/Musa Sadulayev/dpa/Montage

War in Israel: Hamas attack from Gaza left hundreds dead, wounded and missing

On Saturday, Hamas launched the war in Israel from Gaza. After the bombing of cities, fighters had also crossed the border and engaged in heavy battles with the Israeli army. On both sides, several hundred people have fallen victim to the fighting, especially civilians. At one festival alone, 260 people were killed. The number of dead, missing and abducted has been rising for days. In the meantime, the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has launched a massive counteroffensive in retaliation.

Putin's bloodhound – who is Ramzan Kadyrov

Ramzan Kadyrov is the President of the Autonomous Republic of Chechnya in the Russian Federation. He was born on October 5th, 1976. After the death of his father Achmat, he took over the leadership of his country. He is considered a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin. He is nicknamed "Putin's bloodhound" because he repeatedly carried out brutal operations for the Kremlin with his armies. Most recently, he was also active in the Ukraine war. In this context, there are many allegations of human rights violations. In recent weeks, however, there has been repeated speculation about Kadyrov's state of health. He is said to be seriously ill and being treated in a hospital in Moscow.

Israel war: Iran suspected of mastermind behind Hamas rocket attack – what role does Russia play?

The Hamas attack has been met with great outrage in the West. France, Germany, Great Britain and the United States have sharply condemned the terrorist organization's actions – and as a first step, have stopped all development aid to the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Russia, on the other hand, has not yet unequivocally committed to a side. While speculation quickly surfaced on social media that the Kremlin might be involved in Hamas' actions, there is no official evidence of this. Western intelligence agencies suspect Iran as a co-mastermind behind the attack.


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For Russia, the situation could become delicate. After all, Iran is one of the few allies of Russian President Vladimir Putin after the Kremlin's international isolation over the Ukraine war. Most recently, Tehran supplied the Kremlin chief with the urgently needed supply of weapons and ammunition – which is why Russia is holding back from public criticism in the Israel war. "We are against this war, which, unlike other conflicts, can develop into something more," Putin's friend Kadyrov said.

War in Israel: Hamas damages Kadyrov mosque near Jerusalem

The Kadyrovs have a very personal connection to Israel and the Palestinians. For example, the Kadyrov Mosque is located near Jerusalem. It is the second largest in the country and was named after the father of Ramzan Kadyrov's father, Akhmat. The building was apparently also damaged in the hail of rockets that rained down on Israel in the first days of the war. This was reported on Tuesday (October 10) with reference to the Israeli Foreign Ministry. Images on Platform X (formerly Twitter) show thick clouds of smoke at the mosque in Abu Ghosh – a town of 7500,<> inhabitants inhabited mainly by Israeli Arabs. (jkf
