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Golden Retriever Pulls Woman Away From Park Just Before Dog Fight Breaks Out

10/11/2023, 2:25:40 PM

Highlights: Golden Retriever Pulls Woman Away From Park Just Before Dog Fight Breaks Out. Woman believes that her four-legged friend saved her from a sticky situation. You can watch the video here. You will find even more exciting animal topics in's free partner newsletter, which you can subscribe to right here. Read also: Woman Puts Cats On Her Baby Bump – Different Reactions Amuse TikTok Community. Read more: Mermaid dog with six legs abandoned in parking lot.

Status: 11.10.2023, 16:04 PM

By: Sandra Barbara Furtner


Has your dog ever protected you from something or someone? A woman believes that her four-legged friend saved her from a sticky situation.

For some dogs, visiting a dog park or dog park is an absolute pleasure. There they can run around freely and play and romp with their conspecifics. Especially for four-legged friends with a passion for hunting, this is a fine thing. Often new friendships can be made here and dog and human spend a nice afternoon. But exceptions prove the rule: Whenever anxious dogs meet dominant four-legged friends, for example. Or when dog owners prefer to occupy themselves with their cell phone or other people instead of paying attention to their dog. Sometimes toys are happily thrown into the crowd and thus unconsciously trigger a prey aggression. And some four-legged friends are simply and simply not available.

Dog absolutely does not want to go to the dog park

When Tammy Gail goes to visit a dog park with her golden retriever Ernest, she has a strange experience. Because her male dog doesn't want to go into the free running zone. Instead, he takes the dog leash in his mouth and drags his owner back to the car. At first, Tammy is confused, but then she has a hunch and shares it on @tammygail7 on TikTok. You can watch the video here.

She describes: "I took Ernest to the dog park for the first time today. He literally dragged me back to the parking lot with all his strength and I couldn't figure out why he was doing this or what was wrong with it. He's never behaved like that before." He continued: "Ernest pulls me to the car, away from the dog park, just before a dog fight breaks out. I had no idea what was going on until it happened. He knew. His instinct to protect us from danger shows his loyalty."

You can find even more exciting animal topics in's free partner newsletter, which you can subscribe to right here.

According to the owner, just as Tammy was about to visit the park, two big dogs got into each other's hair and had a little fight. It is quite possible that the Golden Retriever noticed this mood and energy before his owner and wanted to run away quickly. It is also possible that the Goldie simply reacts a little insecurely to unknown things and uses the leash as a jumping action.

His owner, however, firmly believes that Ernest wanted to protect them both from a dicey situation, because getting caught between a dog fight is not exactly nice.


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TikTok users see it similarly and comment enthusiastically:

  • "This place is scary, we have to leave".
  • "Damn, I've never seen a dog so worried. And on a mission. Super impressive."
  • "You should always listen to them. Their instincts are better than ours."
  • "I've learned that if my dog doesn't like a situation, we have to leave. No questions, just trust."

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