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Letting the cat out or keeping it indoors – which is better for the house cat?

10/11/2023, 2:14:06 PM

Highlights: Letting the cat out or keeping it indoors – which is better for the house cat?.'s free partner newsletter, which you can subscribe to right here. You should ask yourself these questions: How safe is your neighborhood? Can the cat get in or out on its own? How adventurous is your animal friend? Some breeds such as the Siamese cat or the Persian cat are particularly suitable for keeping indoors. If your cat has been a stray, he won't miss the apartment. If you want to prevent the cat from sneaking around the street at night, always feed it before dark.

Status: 11.10.2023, 16:03 PM

By: Larissa Strohbusch


You want to keep your cat in a species-appropriate way and at the same time protect it from dangers - is it better to keep it indoors or let the cats out?

With most pets, there are no discussions about how they should live: guinea pigs are comfortable in a large cage, and a dog wants to go for a walk regularly. However, the situation is different for cats. Many owners see the outdoors alone as a species-appropriate form of husbandry. For others, however, this is too risky and they prefer to leave their four-legged friend in the apartment. The question is: in which home does the cat feel most comfortable? There is no simple answer to this. Because it depends on the individual requirements.

There are benefits to keeping the cat outside

How does a cat live in a species-appropriate way? Whether it's an outdoor cat or an indoor cat depends on your situation. These are the questions you need to ask yourself. © Silas Stein/IMAGO

Compared to dogs, cats are still very little domesticated. Your velvet paw is still a wild cat with great needs: your cat or cat attaches great importance to autonomy, likes to roam around and curiously investigates the neighborhood. This is good for the animals: Here, the cat can decide on itself, find enough entertainment and move enough. In turn, you will have to take less care of your pet and the furniture will also be less affected.

The cat as an outdoor cat encounters many dangers

On the other hand, the outside world holds many dangers for the house tiger:

  • It can be driven over on a busy road.
  • The cat can injure itself in an argument with neighbor cats, dogs, or wild animals such as foxes.
  • It brings home infections or parasites such as ticks.
  • Many a pet has already fallen victim to the poison bait of malicious neighbors.
  • Especially in the countryside, it can also happen that a cat is shot by the hunter.
  • Some cats also run away and look for a new home. Seniors with dementia or young cats who are let out too early may not be able to find their way home.
  • It is also well-known that outdoor cats like to be fed by friendly neighbors. This can be problematic if the animal has to follow a certain diet.

All these factors ensure that outdoor cats have a lower life expectancy than domestic cats.

You can find even more exciting animal topics in's free partner newsletter, which you can subscribe to right here.


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The pros and cons of domestic cats

Many cat owners want to protect their pet and prefer to keep it indoors. This is also convenient: it means you don't have to let your cat in and out all the time if you don't have a cat flap. You also don't have to have the animal checked by the veterinarian so often and can save yourself some vaccinations. However, you will need to keep your indoor cat busy much more than the outdoor cat. A bored cat leads to the next disadvantage: a cat kept in the apartment often leaves marks on the furniture.

Out or In: How to Decide What's Good for Your Cat

How you keep your cat is highly individual. You should ask yourself these questions:

  • How safe is your neighborhood?
  • Can the cat get in or out on its own?
  • How adventurous is your animal friend? Some breeds, such as the British Shorthair, the Siamese cat or the Persian cat, are particularly suitable for keeping indoors.
  • How has your pet lived so far? If your cat only knows the apartment, he won't miss the outside world. If your cat has been a stray so far, it will be difficult for him to get used to it.

If you decide to let your cat out, you should definitely have them spayed or neutered. This not only prevents unwanted offspring, but also reduces the tomcat's territory. Outdoor cats should receive all necessary vaccinations and be regularly examined by a veterinarian. It's also important to chip them. If you want to prevent the cat from sneaking around the street at night, you should always feed it before dark and bring it back indoors. Collars are not recommended – they can injure the cat seriously or even fatally.

If you keep your cat in the apartment, you need to provide a place to retreat and a lying area, preferably with a lookout. Your indoor cat will also demand a lot of attention from you. So it's good if she has a cat friend to play with. But be careful: two cats may develop into a "disturbing poltergeist". Your cat will certainly also enjoy some exercise on the balcony or in the garden. Cats, on the other hand, don't like walking on a leash.

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