The Limited Times

Marathon, business and "secret project": the new adventures of Claude from "Koh-Lanta"

10/11/2023, 4:04:30 PM

Highlights: Claude Dartois, 44, is a former contestant of the TF 1 show "Koh-Lanta" He is releasing a book on October 11 in which he shares his experiences and methods to achieve goals. The father of two little boys aged 4 and 8 offers a book that aims to be inspiring. He advocates the benefits of all physical activity in his book, "Zero Limits to Your Dreams" He says he has a "secret project" that he is yet to reveal to the world.

The emblematic former contestant of the TF 1 show is releasing a book on October 11 in which he shares his experiences and methods to

"You don't take the stairs?" As soon as he arrived at Le Parisien's editorial office on Tuesday, October 10, Claude Dartois, 44, kindly greeted us when we called the elevator to go to the 3rd floor. Because in his book, "Zero Limits to Your Dreams", to be published on October 11, the former adventurer of "Koh-Lanta" advocates the benefits of all physical activity. Between exposing his philosophy of life, important notions that everyone must put in place to achieve their goals, big or small, and personal testimonies on his own experiences, this father of two little boys aged 4 and 8 offers a book that aims to be inspiring.

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