The Limited Times

Price increase at Deutsche Bahn – which tickets will be more expensive

10/11/2023, 2:53:54 PM

Highlights: Price increase at Deutsche Bahn – which tickets will be more expensive. Flextickets, which allow you to travel flexibly and without being tied to a specific train within Germany on any long-distance train, will become more expensive from 10 December. The price of tickets was already increased by 6.9 percent in the previous year. The aim of the railway is to better distribute the utilisation of the trains, as SÜDWEST24 reports. It has also been announced that the ICE fleet will grow steadily with the addition of new ICE 4 and ICE 3 Neo.

Status: 11.10.2023, 16:45 PM

By: Deborah Baran


Deutsche Bahn is once again raising ticket prices in December – especially for long-distance transport. The Bahncard 25 will also be more expensive.

In December, Deutsche Bahn's timetable change is imminent – and with it various price increases. This is mainly reflected in ticket prices for long-distance transport, but the Bahncard 25 and city tickets are also becoming more expensive. Since ticket prices vary greatly depending on the travel and booking period, as well as demand, these price increases are hardly comprehensible to passengers. The aim of the railway is to better distribute the utilisation of the trains, as SÜDWEST24 reports.

Which train tickets will be more expensive and when

Flextickets, which are Deutsche Bahn tickets that allow you to travel flexibly and without being tied to a specific train within Germany on any long-distance train, will become more expensive from 10 December – an average of 4.9 percent. The price of tickets was already increased by 6.9 percent in the previous year.

The price change will not come into effect until December 10. This means that even if the trip takes place after December 9 – for example, at Christmas or New Year's Day – tickets purchased by December 10 will still be cheaper.

Price increase of the Bahncard 25, saver fares without Cityticket

The Bahncard 25, which grants a 25 percent discount on every trip booked, will also become more expensive in December: with three euros more, the annual price rises to 62.90 euros. However, nothing will change with the Bahncard 50. These Bahncard discounts make already cheap saver prices and super savings offers even cheaper.

And although these saver fares will not change in the course of the multifaceted price increase, the Cityticket, which was often included in the purchase price, will no longer apply. It was previously offered for long-distance journeys, with the possibility of using local transport at the point of departure or destination. In the case of Flextickets, the included city ticket is retained.

Further changes to the Deutsche Bahn timetable change

More long-distance trains are to run: Especially between Berlin and Munich, and between Berlin and North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), the service will be increased. The Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) will offer night trains between Berlin and Paris, and Berlin and Brussels from December. However, you can also go abroad with the Deutschlandticket.


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