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"Israel's security is a reason of state": What consequences Scholz's sentence could have for the Bundeswehr

10/12/2023, 8:06:55 AM

Highlights: "Israel's security is a reason of state": What consequences Scholz's sentence could have for the Bundeswehr. "This is a fundamental political guideline that has been shared by virtually all political parties," says constitutional law expert Alexander Thiele. Arms deliveries or military support are ruled out, Israel's army spokesman Ayre Sharuz Shalicar told the Phoenix TV station. "It is politically inconceivable that Germany would refuse to supply weapons if Israel asked for it," he says.

Status: 12.10.2023, 09:47 a.m.

By: Max Müller


Germany bears a special responsibility for Israel's security. Everyone agrees on that. A lawyer explains what this means for the war in Israel.

"Israel's security is a reason of state for us." The phrase comes from former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and her successor Olaf Scholz also emphasized this commitment in a government statement on Thursday. It is also written in exactly the same wording on page 155 of the coalition agreement between the SPD, the Greens and the FDP. Politicians and observers agree that Germany bears a special responsibility for Israel's security. But what does it look like in concrete terms?

Military expert Carlo Masala said on Tuesday evening on ZDF: "At the moment when Israel's existence is at stake, Germany would have to be prepared to actively defend Israel." He didn't get any more specific.

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This may also be due to the fact that the phrase with the raison d'être is more of a mantra of German politics than a hard legal sentence, explains constitutional law expert Alexander Thiele. No one really knows what that means in practice. "This is a fundamental political guideline that has been shared by virtually all political parties since Angela Merkel's prominent statement and thus forms the undisputed starting point of Germany's Israel policy."

"However, it can at best be traced back indirectly to the Basic Law," says the professor of state theory at the BSP Business & Law School in Berlin IPPEN. MEDIA. "However, this statement does not give rise to any direct legal obligations for the time being."

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There is also no "formal duty to provide assistance", as is the case within NATO, says Thiele. What Israel expects from Germany is likely to be much more decisive. The demands range from unconditional solidarity to an end to development aid to Palestine. Arms deliveries or military support are ruled out, Israel's army spokesman Ayre Sharuz Shalicar told the Phoenix TV station.

At least that's the status quo. In view of the complex situation, with an additional threat from the Hezbollah militia in the north, the strict "no" could be softened – depending on how the situation develops. "It is politically inconceivable that Germany would refuse to supply weapons if Israel asked for it," says Thiele. And an active deployment of the Bundeswehr? This is legally difficult to imagine without a UN mandate. "Even then, however, there is no obligation to do so, and the Bundestag would also have to approve it," Thiele said.

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Due to the opaque legal situation, there is also no legal claim on Israel's part to German aid, says Thiele. "Therefore, such a possibility does not exist either, as is the general rule in foreign policy actions – courts are reluctant to interfere in these highly political areas."


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And so the ball is in the court of politics right now. Thiele: "The responsibility for clarification lies at the political level and here primarily with the government. It can therefore use this guideline to justify specific assistance. The opposition, on the other hand, can invoke the principle to demand additional steps and complain that the government's actions do not sufficiently live up to the principle."

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