The Limited Times

Consultations: the cardio and gynaecological checklist with key moments throughout life

10/12/2023, 4:15:10 PM

Highlights: Consultations: the cardio and gynaecological checklist with key moments throughout life. Contraceptive renewal: from the age of 40 for smokers and 45 for all others, it will be necessary to discuss with the doctor the need to stop synthetic estrogen. Perimenopause consultation and menopause follow-up: particular attention will be paid to weight gain, high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes. Breast cancer screening: every woman is invited to have a free mammogram every two years, as part of an organized screening.

Seven key moments to maintain your health throughout your life.

First contraception: its implementation requires a long gynaecological consultation, coupled with a complete check-up that will take into account heredity and family history.

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Contraceptive renewal: from the age of 40 for smokers and 45 for all others, it will be necessary to discuss with the doctor the need to stop synthetic estrogen.

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Preconception consultation: This particular time is an opportunity to discuss known risk factors with the doctor.

Postpartum consultation: specific follow-up is required for those who have had cardiovascular complications at birth.

Perimenopause, breast cancer screening...

Perimenopause consultation and menopause follow-up: particular attention will be paid to weight gain, high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes, as well as climacteric symptoms related to the loss of estrogen - hot flashes, sweating, fatigue, etc.

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Cervical cancer screening: It is recommended by the Ministry of Health to have a Pap smear every three years between the ages of 25 and 29, after two normal tests performed one year apart, and then every five years between the ages of 30 and 65.

Breast cancer screening: from the age of 50 to 75, every woman is invited to have a free mammogram every two years, as part of an organized screening. It is also advisable to screen for colorectal (large intestine) cancer every two years from the age of 50 to the age of 75.

Sources: Ministry of Health, CNAM and Fondation Agir pour le cœur des femmes.