The Limited Times

Edeka customer finds significantly more than expected in a bag of rolls

10/12/2023, 5:27:57 PM

Highlights: Edeka customer finds significantly more than expected in a bag of rolls. Customers often want to know whether it contains what it says on the tin. Sometimes there is a demonstrably lower number of pieces in the packaging than it promises. And then there is also the "shrinklation" when prices remain constant, but manufacturers reduce the package size. "Tomorrow directly to Edeka!", "They love food!" and "Super cool!" says one Reddit user on the subject of "shrinking"

Status: 12.10.2023, 19:15 PM

By: Armin T. Linder


In these times, you rarely see anything like this. A curious discovery by an Edeka customer creates a kind of gold-rush atmosphere on the Internet.

Munich – Supermarket customers, kitchen scales and social media: this combination is always a source of complaints. After all, consumers often want to know whether it contains what it says on the tin. After all, no one wants to pay for something they don't get. They weigh everything they can: sausage from Kaufland, a steak from Edeka or lentils from Netto. Whether the anger is justified varies in the individual case or cannot even be found out, there can also be other reasons such as an uncalibrated scale.

The case is easier when it comes to counting: Sometimes there is a demonstrably lower number of pieces in the packaging than it promises. Which is still reasonably unproblematic, as long as the weight is right. And then there is also the "shrinklation". This refers to when prices remain constant, but manufacturers reduce the package size. Open your eyes, they say.

Edeka customer shows his discovery: Eleven instead of six rolls in the package

Against this background, the discovery that a user spreads in a Reddit group on the subject of "shrinking" seems all the more unreal. The authenticity is not confirmed, but the matching photo looks authentic. According to his statements, he was at Edeka and bought a bag of rolls there. The variety "Vital & fit" of the own brand "Gut & billig" can still be seen in the picture. When he got home, he noticed that something was wrong. The package promised six rolls. There were not six, not seven, not eight, not nine, not ten. But eleven!

"Squeeze in eleven rolls instead of six," he writes. "Bought in the Edeka, instead of 540 g there are 988 g in it. In total, instead of six rolls, there were eleven rolls in it. It's worth it." He placed the package on the kitchen scales and documented his stroke of luck.

The users of the "Shrinklation" group, who are more used to heartache with too little content, acknowledge the surprising sight with hundreds of upvotes (which corresponds to "likes"). And with enthusiastic reactions that sound a bit like a gold-digger mood, even if they are probably meant more with a wink: "Tomorrow directly to Edeka!", "They love food!" and "Super cool!" Obviously, this is not an isolated case. "Happens conspicuously often with these Vital & fit. Almost every box has such an overflowing bag," writes one. "Thanks for the tip – people are looking more often now," another responds. "We also caught one with eleven," it also says.

According to his own statements, another Edeka customer had only four rolls in the package

Are the five rolls missing somewhere else? "The one who buys the other incorrectly packaged bag will also post here," one user expects. Another claims, "I'm one of the weird. The other day I only had four instead of six rolls in it. So all that's missing are the losers of the other three rolls." Maybe the manufacturer recognizes the problem. Until then, it doesn't hurt to simply count through before buying in the future. What you should also know: You should never put a certain drink on the supermarket checkout line. (lin)

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