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Melons with firefighters' helmet at the students' oath - News

10/12/2023, 12:04:32 PM

Highlights: Melons with firefighters' helmet at the students' oath. Delivery of merits for the intervention in the accident of Mestre (ANSA). Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni wore a red foreman's helmet donated to her by the firefighters at the ceremony for the swearing-in of 623 students at the Capannelle fire schools. Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi: "Firefighters have always distinguished themselves for their peculiar human qualities, which ensure that, even in the most severe and critical operational scenarios"

Delivery of merits for the intervention in the accident of Mestre (ANSA)

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni wore a red foreman's helmet donated to her by the firefighters at the ceremony for the swearing-in of 623 students at the Capannelle fire schools. During the ceremony, the Prime Minister presented some diplomas of merit to firefighters who distinguished themselves for some interventions, including those of the Mestre bus accident and for the rescue in the fire in an RSA in Milan on 7 July.

Piantedosi: 'Firefighters a solid and beloved body'

On the part of the government there is "attention to the fire brigade, a large and beloved structure of the State, a solid security garrison for citizens". So the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi at the ceremony for the oath of 623 students, where Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is also present.
"For the Fire Brigade speaks, moreover - underlined the minister - their history, made of heroism, values, dedication, civil passion, professionalism, specialization in a delicate sector of public intervention such as prevention and rescue to the population". "Beyond the undisputed ability and technical wisdom - continued Piantedosi - firefighters have always distinguished themselves for their peculiar human qualities, which ensure that, even in the most severe and critical operational scenarios, they always manage to develop an extraordinary relationship of empathy with the community" They are called to confront each other, often, he added, "Even with situations of serious criticality, which require, at the same time, a capacity for self-control, for the domination of tension and for the management of feelings. Finally, I am thinking of the dramatic context in which the staff who intervened in Mestre operated, following the tragic road accident in which many people lost their lives, some of them very young".
The head of the Interior Ministry then recalled that "extraordinary hiring was financed, in the various qualifications, for more than 1,100 units and the workforce was increased, when fully operational, by 550 units. These are certainly significant numbers that will make the rescue machine even more efficient. The project is also at an advanced stage of definition which, in the PNRR area, will allow the Corps to renew its fleet extensively".

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