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Netanyahu meets Blinken: 'Crush Hamas like ISIS'. Israeli raid on airports in Syria - News

10/12/2023, 12:16:49 PM

Highlights: Netanyahu meets Blinken: 'Crush Hamas like ISIS' Israeli raid on airports in Syria - News. Israel deploys reservists in cities bordering Lebanon. In Gaza, more than 50 victims in raids carried out during the night. Egypt ready to open Rafah if Israel accepts a truce. Scholz attacks Abbas and then says that the responsibility for the Holocaust requires Germany to defend Israel forever. Hamas, 50 missiles launched on the settlement of Sderot (ANSA). Key points of the meeting: Israel: 'No electricity, water, gasoline in Gaza until hostages are released'

Israel deploys reservists in cities bordering Lebanon. In Gaza, more than 50 victims in raids carried out during the night. US Secretary of State Blinken from Netanyahu, tomorrow will be with Abu Mazen. Israel: 'No electricity, water, gasoline in Gaza until hostages are released'. Iran calls the Islamic world against Israel. Egypt ready to open Rafah if Israel accepts a truce. Scholz attacks Abbas and then says that the responsibility for the Holocaust requires Germany to defend Israel forever. Hamas, 50 missiles launched on the settlement of Sderot (ANSA)

Key points

  • 13:26 Syrian TV reports raids on Damascus and Aleppo airports
  • 13:06 Islamic Jihad promises to take the battle beyond Gaza
  • 13:05 Hamas, 50 missiles launched on the settlement of Sderot
  • 12:21 Blinken to Netanyahu: 'We are here, we will not abandon you'
  • 12:18 Hamas confirms, Israeli prisoners are over 120
  • 12:16 Hamas, the death toll in Gaza rises to 1,354
  • 11:49 Egypt ready to open Rafah if Israel accepts truce
  • 11:33 Two-way talks between Blinken and Netanyahu
  • 11:32 Iran: 'Islamic world unites against Israel'
  • 11:24 Israeli Ambassador to Moscow: 'We will not start a war against Iran'
  • 11:18 Army: 'Let's collapse Hamas' sovereignty in Gaza'
  • 10:55 Cri, '3 out of 5 water plants out of order in Gaza'
  • 10:55 The risk around Gaza, between diplomacy and fragile balances
  • 10:54 Army, we know who participated in massacres, we will strike
  • 10:43 Raisi hears Assad: 'No new regional order without Palestine'
  • 10:43 Army, Hamas carried ISIS flags
  • 09:55 Scholz attacks Abbas: 'His shameful silence. The Holocaust imposes on us the defense of Israel forever'
  • 09:37 Raisi and Mohammed bin Salman discuss Israel and Palestine
  • 09:41 Israel: 'No electricity, water, gasoline in Gaza until hostages are released'
  • 09:30 Popular Front leader dead in Gaza bombing
  • 08:49 Israel asks Germany for ammunition for warships
  • 08:21 Death in Israel rises to 1,300 after Hamas attack
  • 08:15 US Secretary of State Blinken expected to see Netanyahu in Israel today
  • 07:44 Rocket alarm sirens sound in central Israel
  • 07:43 Israeli army deploys reservists in cities bordering Lebanon
  • 06:38 Palestinian sources, tomorrow the meeting between Blinken and Abu Mazen
  • 05:42 Israel calls on China to take a more balanced stance
  • 05:03 Israeli raids toll rises to 1200 dead and 5,600 wounded in Gaza
  • 04:06 Over 50 dead and 280 wounded in Israel night raids in Gaza
  • 03:41 UN, displaced people have risen to almost 339 thousand


Syrian TV reports raids on Damascus and Aleppo airports

Syrian state television reports Israeli raids on Damascus and Aleppo airports.

Video Israel, Netanyahu: 'Every member of Hamas is a dead man'


Islamic Jihad promises to take the battle beyond Gaza

"The battle will not be limited to the Gaza Strip. Other fronts will soon join." This was stated in a new audio by Abu Hamza, the spokesman for the Quds Brigades, the armed organization of Islamic Jihad, quoted by the Lebanese network Al Mayadeen. Addressing the resistance in the West Bank, Abu Hamza appealed to the Jenin Brigade and the Lion's Den, as well as all Palestinians on the ground, to engage in clashes against the Israeli occupation. "We came prepared outside Palestine as we were inside," he said. The events in Gaza will be replicated on other fronts."


Hamas, 50 missiles launched on the settlement of Sderot

A missile attack with 50 missiles was launched on the settlement of Sderot. This was announced by the Al-Qassam Brigades on Telegram.


Blinken to Netanyahu: 'We are here, we will not abandon you'

"We're here with you, we're not going anywhere." With these words, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken greeted Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu at the beginning of their meeting at the Ministry of Defense in Jerusalem. In the video, Blinken can be heard repeatedly telling Netanyahu "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, condolences" for the victims. The Prime Minister of Israel repeatedly thanks and shakes hands with the American guest.

The Israeli prime minister thanked the US for its support in the fight against Hamas, which - Netanyahu said - "must be crushed like ISIS", and those who support him must be subject to sanctions.

The US secretary of state said that Israel will not have to defend itself "as long as the US exists", and warned anyone who wants to act against the Jewish state: "States and not states think about what to do in this situation, do not act against Israel. We have deployed aircraft carriers in the eastern Mediterranean and will give more support," he continued. We will ensure that men, women and children taken hostage can be freed."


Hamas confirms, Israeli prisoners are over 120

Hamas has confirmed that it has more than 120 prisoners in its hands. This was announced by Israeli TV Kan quoting the spokesman of the Palestinian faction Abdel Latif Kanua.


Hamas, the toll in Gaza rises to 1,354

The death toll in Gaza rises to 1,354, according to official Hamas sources.


Egypt ready to open Rafah if Israel agrees to truce

The Rafah crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip is likely to be opened this evening or tomorrow morning, for six hours, to allow Egyptian humanitarian aid into Gaza, if Israel agrees to a truce. This was told to ANSA by the spokesman for the governorate of North Sinai, Mohamed Selim. The spokesman added that aid currently stopped in the cities of al-Arish and Sheikh Zowaid in Sinai is ready to leave for the Strip.


Two-way talks between Blinken and Netanyahu

In the Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv the meeting between Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. After a one-on-one talk, Netanyahu and Blinken will make statements to the press. The meeting will then continue with the participation of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and with the two new ministers without portfolio in Israel's new "emergency" government: Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot, both members of the centrist National Union party and both former chiefs of staff.

Tomorrow, reports an American official, the US secretary of state will see King Abdyllah II in Jordan


Iran: 'Islamic world unites against Israel'

"Today all Islamic and Arab countries, as well as populations who want freedom in the world, must come to an agreement and reach cooperation on a path to stop the crimes of the Zionist regime against the oppressed Palestinian nation." This was stated by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi during a phone call with his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad, as reported by Mehr. "As a result, the Islamic Republic of Iran will try to find this convergence as soon as possible, by contacting Islamic countries," Raisi added.


Israeli Ambassador to Moscow: 'We will not start a war against Iran'

"We will not start a war against Iran." This was stated in a briefing by the Israeli ambassador in Moscow, Alexander Ben Zvi, quoted by Tass. "We will not start a war against Iran, but if someone approaches our borders, then surely there will be a response," the ambassador warned.


Army: 'Let's collapse Hamas' sovereignty in Gaza'

"We are preparing for the next phase of the war," military spokesman Daniel Hagari said. "We are collapsing Hamas' ability to maintain sovereignty and governability" in Gaza. According to Israel's assessments, the intense bombing of Hamas is now creating great confusion.


Cri, '3 out of 5 water plants out of use in Gaza'

Three of Gaza's five water plants are out of service due to shelling and lack of fuel. This is supported by the International Committee of the Red Cross cited by Anadolu.


The risk around Gaza, between diplomacy and fragile balances

Stefano Polli's analysis

Ascolta "Risiko intorno a Gaza, la diplomazia e i fragili equilibri della nuova geopolitica (di Stefano Polli)" su Spreaker.


Esercito, sappiamo chi ha partecipato a massacri, colpiremo

Israele sta ricostruendo sulla base di filmati le identità di quanti sabato hanno preso parte agli orrori nei villaggi ebraici vicini a Gaza e assicura che saranno colpiti. Lo ha reso noto il portavoce militare Daniel Hagari in una conferenza stampa. In merito ha spiegato che un combattente di Hamas di nome Mustafa Shahin, che era stato ripreso mentre compiva efferatezze in uno dei villaggi israeliani, è già morto nel bombardamento della sua casa a Gaza. Hagari ha anche avvertito gli abitanti di Gaza di non dare ospitalità a quanti hanno compiuto quelle efferatezze, perché altrimenti saranno colpiti anch'essi.


Raisi sente Assad: 'Nessun nuovo ordine regionale senza la Palestina'

 "Nessun nuovo ordine a livello regionale può essere stabilito senza considerare i diritti dei palestinesi". Lo ha affermato il presidente iraniano Ebrahim Raisi in una conversazione telefonica con l'omologo siriano Bashar al-Assad. Durante il colloquio, il presidente della Repubblica islamica ha criticato i Paesi che hanno normalizzato le relazioni con Israele. Secondo quanto riporta Irna, Assad ha affermato che le recenti vittorie del movimento di resistenza contro i sionisti ha provato che Israele è molto più debole di quanto appaia e ha sottolineato la necessità di una posizione unita per sostenere i palestinesi. 


Esercito, Hamas ha portato bandiere dell'Isis

Hamas ha portato bandiere dell'Isis nell'attacco ai kibbutz di sabato scorso. Lo ha fatto sapere il portavoce militare citando in particolare il kibbutz di Sufa.  Il portavoce militare Daniel Hagari ha precisato che in uno scontro a fuoco avvenuto ai bordi della linea di demarcazione con la striscia di Gaza ''12 terroristi sono stati uccisi e altri 14 sono stati fatti prigionieri''. Alcuni di loro avevano bandiere dell'Isis, secondo Hagari. ''Hamas è come l'Isis'', ha ripetuto più volte citando anche una espressione in merito del presidente Usa Joe Biden. 


Scholz attacca Abu Mazen: 'Il suo silenzio vergognoso. L'olocausto ci impone la difesa di Israele per sempre'

 "Dov'è la chiara condanna della violenza terroristica da parte dell'autorità autonoma (palestinese) e del suo presidente, Mahmoud Abbas? Io dico: il loro silenzio è vergognoso": ha detto in una "dichiarazione di governo" fatta stamattina al Parlamento tedesco a Berlino, il cancelliere Olaf Scholz secondo il testo dei suo discorso diffuso dall'Ufficio stampa del governo. "Abbiamo messo sotto esame tutta la nostra cooperazione allo sviluppo con i Territori palestinesi", ha aggiunto il cancelliere confermando dichiarazioni di una ministra del suo esecutivo. 

Secondo Berlino,  "sarebbe irresponsabile, in questa situazione drammatica, non utilizzare tutti i contatti che possono essere utili". Il cancelliere tedesco ha detto di essere "in stretto contatto" con il presidente egiziano Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, con quello turco Recep Tayyip Erdoğan e con l'Emiro del Qatar che viene ricevuto oggi a Berlino. "Tutti e tre possono svolgere un ruolo importante nella mediazione e nella de-escalation della situazione attuale". 

 "Il Ministero federale degli Interni vieterà ad Hamas di operare in Germania", ha anche annunciato il cancelliere tedesco.

 "Finora non abbiamo prove tangibili - ha anche detto Scholz - che l'Iran abbia dato un sostegno concreto e operativo a questo vile attacco di Hamas. Ma è chiaro a tutti noi che senza il sostegno iraniano negli ultimi anni, Hamas non sarebbe stato in grado di compiere questi attacchi senza precedenti in territorio israeliano". 

"La nostra storia, la nostra responsabilità derivante dall'Olocausto - ha anche sottolineato il cancelliere tedesco -, ci impone il dovere perenne di difendere l'esistenza e la sicurezza dello Stato di Israele". "In questo momento, c'è un solo posto per la Germania: quello saldamente al fianco di Israele", la cui "sicurezza" è "la ragion di Stato della Germania", ha dichiarato il cancelliere secondo il testo del suo discorso ribadendo dichiarazioni fatte in questi giorni. 

Video Il film dell'escalation israelo-palestinese - Quinto giorno


Raisi e Mohammed bin Salman discutono di Israele e Palestina

Il presidente iraniano Ebrahim Raisi ha discusso del conflitto in Israele e Palestina con il principe ereditario saudita Mohammed bin Salman. "Nella prima telefonata tra l'ayatollah Raisi e sua altezza Mohammed bin Salman, i due si sono dimostrati d'accordo sulla necessità di porre fine ai crimini di guerra contro la Palestina. È stata sottolineata l'unità islamica ed entrambi ritengono che i crimini del regime (di Israele) e il via libera dato dagli Usa porteranno insicurezza distruttiva per il regime e i suoi sostenitori", ha scritto a proposito della telefonata il vice capo del personale di Raisi per gli Affari Politici, Mohammad Jamshidi, come riporta Irna. La telefonata rappresenta il primo colloquio diretto tra Raisi e Mohammed bin Salman. Teheran e Riad in marzo avevano trovato un accordo per la normalizzazione delle relazioni dopo che per sette anni i rapporti erano stati interrotti.


Israele: 'A Gaza niente luce, acqua, benzina fino al rilascio degli ostaggi'

"Non sarà fornita elettricità, né acqua, né entreranno camion di benzina (a Gaza) finchè gli ostaggi israeliani non torneranno a casa": lo ha detto il ministro dell'Energia israeliano, Israel Katz."Umanitarismo per umanitarismo. E nessuno - ha aggiunto - ci può fare prediche sulla moralità". 

Video Gaza al buio, spenta l'unica centrale elettrica


Popular Front leader dead in bombing in Gaza

A member of the Central Committee of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine was killed today in an Israeli bombing raid in the northern Gaza Strip. This was reported by local sources in Gaza according to which it is Awad al-Sultan, who was responsible in his organization of the Dossier of prisoners in Israel. With him, according to sources, some members of his family were killed.


Israel asks Germany for ammunition for warships

Israel has asked Germany for ammunition for warships because of Hamas terrorist attacks: German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said this morning on the sidelines of a NATO meeting in Brussels. The German agency understands that blood bags for transfusions and bulletproof vests have also been requested. The demands will now be discussed with Israel, Pistorius said, saying: "We stand with the Israelis."


1,300 dead in Israel after Hamas attack

The death toll in Israel due to the Hamas attack has reached 1,300 with about 3,300 wounded, including 28 in critical condition and 350 in serious condition. The media report it.


US Secretary of State Blinken expected to see Netanyahu in Israel today

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is expected to meet today in Israel where he will meet with Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, members of the government and President Isaac Herzog. According to media reports, Blinken will also see family members of Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas and taken to Gaza. Blinken - according to information - will also see Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas tomorrow.


Rocket alarm sirens ring out in central Israel

Alarm sirens about rockets fired from Gaza are now sounding in central Israel. The army said so. "The al-Qassam Brigades fired rockets at Tel Aviv in response to Israeli attacks on civilians in Al-Shati and Jabaliya camps," Hamas said in a message picked up by the media.


Israeli army deploys reservists in cities bordering Lebanon

The Israeli military announced that it had deployed reserve forces along towns on the border with Lebanon. The move - it was explained - took place as part of the general reinforcement of troops in the northern area of the country after the situation of tension with Hezbollah. "These forces - it was explained - are conducting defense tasks including patrolling and roadblocks in order to ensure the safety of residents". The night before the Hamas attack from the Strip "there had been some signals but no major intelligence warnings." This was said by army spokesman Daniel Hagari.


Palestinian sources, tomorrow the meeting between Blinken and Abu Mazen

Palestinian sources say that President Mahmoud Abbas will meet tomorrow with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is visiting the Middle East. "As part of the Palestinian leadership's 24-hour effort to stop this devastating war and as part of the joint Jordanian-Palestinian effort, Abbas is meeting today in Amman with King Abdullah. Tomorrow the president will also meet with US Secretary of State Blinken," the secretary-general of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Executive Committee, Hussein Al-Sheikh, wrote on his account X today.


Israel calls on China to take a more balanced stance

China needs to take a "more balanced attitude" on the conflict between Israel and Hamas. This was stated by the Israeli ambassador to Beijing, lrit Ben-Abba, in an interview with Bloomberg TV, anticipating that Zhai Jun, the Chinese envoy for the Middle East, should have talks with the Israeli side today, after the phone calls on Tuesday and Wednesday had, respectively, with the Egyptian and Palestinian ones. "The Chinese special envoy will have a telephone conversation with the Israeli side," she said, adding that Beijing could speak about the matter today in the Foreign Ministry's daily briefing.


In Gaza, the toll of Israeli raids rises to 1200 dead and 5,600 wounded

The death toll in the Gaza Strip from Israeli shelling over the past six days has risen to at least 1,200 dead and about 5,600 wounded, the Palestinian Ministry of Health said today.


Over 50 dead and 280 wounded in night raids carried out by Israel in Gaza

At least 51 people died and another 281 were injured in airstrikes carried out tonight on the Gaza Strip by Israel's army, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health quoted by local media.


UN, displaced people have risen to almost 339 thousand

According to the United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), nearly 339,2 people have been forced to flee their homes in the besieged Gaza Strip bombed by Israel's army. The number of displaced people in the Palestinian territory from 3.75 million inhabitants to last night "increased by another 000,338 people and reached the figure of 934,<>," the UN office said in a statement published today.

Not to be missed

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