The Limited Times

Optimism, now? So yes, and you have 7 reasons to feel this way - voila! health

10/12/2023, 6:17:27 PM

Highlights: Optimism, now? So yes, and you have 7 reasons to feel this way - voila! health. Expert psychiatrist Dr. Ilan Rabinovich says optimism can be beneficial for a much better future. 130% recruitment rate. Sperm extraction from space without bureaucracy. A full-time Minister of Health after more than 3,000 wounded, Shas Chairman Aryeh Deri appointed MK Uriel Bosso to the position. A shared destiny alongside an understanding that it is impossible that all the burdens and spaces will fall exclusively on one side.

Now, of all times, optimism can be beneficial for a much better future. Expert psychiatrist Dr. Ilan Rabinovich with 7 reasons to feel better

130% recruitment rate. Reservists flock from all over the world / Yoav Etiel

Optimism, gentlemen, is the name of the game these days. True, after the unimaginable losses we have suffered in the last six days of fighting and the shocking images and videos staring at us from every screen, optimism is the last thing we should feel. But optimism is our engine, here and now, to move on, to live.

Optimism is the belief that things will be good, that things will work out for the better in the end. How can we be optimistic in the terrible situation that has happened to us? It is possible to look at the points of light, certainly not to ignore or forget the points of difficulty, or the deep shock of what happened to us, but the crazy reality also provides us with points of optimism. Here are seven of them, just from the last 24 hours.

1. The people were ahead of their leaders, mutual responsibility transcends borders

Israelis, not only locals, but from every corner of the world, show up and ask to enlist in the reserves. People are fighting for seats on the few flights that now arrive in Israel, only to implement Order 8 to defend the homeland. 130 percent recruitment. No words.

El Al has also joined the national effort and will embark this Saturday (for the first time in 41 years) on two rescue flights from the United States and the East, at a cost price and financed by American economic entities.

An ultra-Orthodox man from New York arrived at El Al's offices and for half a million dollars purchased 250 plane tickets for anyone with Order 8. Haredi women cook for soldiers at the front. The feeling is that the ultra-Orthodox street, unlike its leaders, understands that it too is obligated to contribute to the war effort. It is a shared destiny alongside an understanding that it is impossible that all the burdens and spaces will fall exclusively on one side.

2. We have a broad emergency government

Five days late, the prime minister listened to the will of the people, crossed sectors and political affiliation, and the state camp entered, for a limited period of fighting, the government.

Two former chiefs of staff were added (one of them with a resume as defense minister) to the small war cabinet. One can feel more confident when the war cabinet includes Netanyahu, Galant and Gantz with Eisenkot and Dermer as observers.

I never voted for Benny Gantz, but I take my hat off to him. The man put aside thirty seats he has in the polls, ascended, did not think about the electorate of potential voters and understood well the will of the people. In his speech, he did not forget to mention the commitment of the leadership to care for the captives, abductees and missing persons; He looked straight into the camera and promised the families that they would do everything possible to bring them home safely.

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In association with Galil

3. We have a full-time Minister of Health

After more than 3,000 wounded, Israel has a full-time health minister. Shas Chairman Aryeh Deri appointed MK Uriel Bosso to the position. Welcome. We waited for a full-time minister. We hope that his experience as Chairman of the Knesset Health Committee will help him in his holy work.

4. Sperm extraction from space without bureaucracy

The legal advisor of the Ministry of Health decided that due to the exceptional state of war, family members of fallen soldiers could temporarily request sperm extraction without going to court, but would need court approval before using it. Since 2016, the Supreme Court has issued six rulings in which it ruled that only if the deceased left clear instructions on this matter, or the spouse wants to use the sperm, can this be done. Now a distinction is made between semen retention and its use.

It is important to know that sperm can be pumped within 12-24 hours of death, although it can also be done 72 hours after. The extracted sperm can be frozen for a long period. As the hours pass from the moment of death, the quality of the sperm decreases and therefore it is important to pump as quickly as possible. The clock is ticking and time is critical to the chance that the extracted sperm will be able to fertilize an egg and achieve pregnancy.

The sperm that was extracted from the body of Yahav Wiener, Shai-Li Atari's husband, who begged and cried out to fulfill his will and bring siblings to their month-old daughter, is no longer usable because the body waited for many hours in the heat.

Sheba, Beilinson and Kaplan hospitals carried out a process of extracting sperm from fighters killed by Hamas, at the request of the bereaved families by fertility doctors. In light of the attorney general's decision, the parents are currently spared from going to court.

5. Biden continues to excite

Yesterday, the president convened the heads of the American Jewish communities at the White House for a long and fruitful discussion. They reminded him that during World War II, President Roosevelt refused to accept the appeal of the heads of Jewish organizations in light of the Holocaust and the murder of European Jewry. How different the situation is now that we have a Jewish state.

President Biden spoke, neither from writing nor from flashcards, explaining that the existence of the State of Israel is vital and necessary for all Jews around the world, and that the United States marches hand in hand fully and completely with Israel.

In tears, the president told those in attendance of his private pain when his first wife and one-year-old daughter were killed in a car accident weeks after he was elected to the Senate, and of his son, who died of cancer at age 40 while he was vice president.

6. First member of government admits - we are responsible

Well done to Education Minister Yoav Kisch who bravely understood the feelings of the people and admitted in front of the cameras: "We are responsible. I am responsible as a member of the government. We dealt with nonsense, forgot where we lived. It happened in our government. Conclusions will be drawn and we will accept responsibility." Kish proved that he has not forgotten his past as a fighter pilot in the IDF with the rank of lieutenant colonel. The people expect their leaders to take responsibility. This is a national psychological need of the hour.

7. 10,000 people at the funeral of the new immigrant

Government ministers may not attend the funerals of the dead, as they should, but the public does not leave the fallen to go alone on their final journey. The mother and sister of the new immigrant from Brazil, Bruna Valano, who was murdered at a party in Re'im, feared that there would be no minyan at the funeral. After the story was revealed on social media, more than ten thousand people came to the funeral procession to pay their last respects. The huge traffic jam in front of the Yarkon cemetery proved once again that the people teach their leaders how to behave. The crowd psychology that is supposed to permeate Israel's leaders and leaders.

For Dr. Ilan Rabinovich's first article - click here

I call on anyone who feels distressed, anxious or depressed, as well as those who want to ask personal questions, to contact me on WhatsApp or by text message only at 054-4693068 I will be happy to help each and every one of you, even anonymously

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  • War in Gaza
  • Psyche