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Pruning in autumn: shrubs such as hydrangea benefit

10/12/2023, 5:34:59 PM

Highlights: Pruning can help – or harm – your plants. That's why it's important to know the right time to cut back shrubs and the like. Not all shrubs require pruning before winter, but there are plants that benefit from it. In autumn, you should prune the following shrubs in particular:Berry bushes, hedge shrubs, hydrangeas and evergreen shrubs. You should only prune between October 1 and February 28/29 to protect breeding birds.

Status: 12.10.2023, 19:30 PM

By: Yannik Lurz


Not all shrubs tolerate autumn pruning. We bring light into the thicket and show which shrubs you should prune.

Fall is a good time to cut back some shrubs in your garden. This not only promotes the growth and flowering of the plants, but also protects them from snow breakage and diseases. However, this does not apply to all shrubs. We explain which shrubs you should prune in autumn.

What shrubs should you prune in the fall?

Pruning can help – or harm – your plants. That's why it's important to know the right time to cut back shrubs and the like. © IMAGO / Cavan Images

Not all shrubs require pruning before winter. But there are plants that benefit from it. In autumn, you should therefore prune the following shrubs in particular:

  • Berry bushes
  • Hedge shrubs
  • Evergreen shrubs
  • Some species of hydrangeas

Controlling Pests: Cut Back Berry Bushes in the Fall

Currants, gooseberries, blackberries and summer raspberries should be cut back in autumn. This will remove mites that would otherwise overwinter on the shrubs. In addition, you promote the formation of new fruit shoots for the next year.

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Bird protection: Pruning hedge shrubs only within a certain period of time

Hedge shrubs will get you in shape in the fall to compact them before winter. However, make sure that you do not work on early bloomers such as forsythia.


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Prune hedge shrubs only slightly and avoid radical pruning that could weaken the plants. In addition, you should only prune between October 1 and February 28/29 to protect breeding birds.

Protect evergreen shrubs from snow breakage by pruning them

Evergreen shrubs such as rhododendron or azalea should also be pruned in autumn to prevent them from breaking snow. Trim the long shoots and remove diseased or damaged branches. This will prevent the plants from breaking apart or deforming under the weight of the snow. Use sharp pruning shears (promotional link) to avoid unnecessary injury to the shrubs.

Pruning hydrangeas in autumn

Hydrangeas are popular flowering shrubs that you cut back differently depending on the species. Most species, such as the farmer's hydrangea, climbing hydrangea or plate hydrangea, form their flower buds as early as autumn. Therefore, you should avoid these varieties in the fall.

Exceptions are the forest or snowball hydrangea and the panicle hydrangea, which do not form their flower buds until spring. You can cut them back either in autumn or in early spring. Separate the old inflorescences and trim the shoots.

This article has been created with the help of machine support and has been carefully reviewed by editor Yannik Lurz before publication.

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