The Limited Times

Sexual and gender-based violence: 37% of 16-20 year olds have already experienced this violence at the hands of other young people

10/12/2023, 5:07:13 PM

Highlights: The 4th edition of the Apprentis d'Auteuil education barometer looked at the emotional, relational and sexual lives of 16-20 year olds. More than one-third of youth have experienced at least one sexual or gender-based violence at the hands of other youth. Of the victims, 57% did not tell anyone or felt supported when they spoke out. 27% of young people consider boys' sexual desire to be uncontrollable. 25% think girls may enjoy being forced into sex. Pornography is no stranger to his representations.

A survey commissioned by the Apprentis d'Auteuil focuses on young people's relationship to sexuality. Clichés and violence do not spare p

Young people are not immune to stereotypes and violence. The 4th edition of the Apprentis d'Auteuil education barometer looked at the emotional, relational and sexual lives of 16-20 year olds. The figures and responses collected by the polling institute OpinionWay make you shudder. More than one-third of youth (37%) have experienced at least one sexual or gender-based violence at the hands of other youth. Not surprisingly, girls (55%) are much more affected than boys, who are still 20% who have endured such acts.

This includes sexism, sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment, discrimination based on sexual orientation or the dissemination of intimate photos without consent. Of the victims, 57% did not tell anyone or felt supported when they spoke out.

[COMPANY] Discover the results of the 2023 #éducation Barometer conducted for @AAuteuil 👉
Infographic 👉é #jeunes #éducationsexuelle #société

— OpinionWay (@opinionway) October 12, 2023

It must be said that stereotypes are still ingrained among those under 20 years of age. While 63% of young people ask their loved ones about sex, 42% of boys and 29% of girls surveyed say they watch porn to learn more about the subject. On average, the first sexual intercourse takes place at the age of 16, while 46% of young people did not attend affective, relational and sexual education sessions in high school. The figure jumps to 82% in elementary school.

In the midst of this, 27% of young people consider boys' sexual desire to be uncontrollable. Worse, 25% think girls may enjoy being forced into sex. Pornography is no stranger to his representations.

The pressure also led 44% of 16-20 year olds to agree to a sexual relationship to satisfy their partner, without necessarily wanting to. All of this leads to the trivialization of violence. 19% of youth have been raped or sexually assaulted. Among girls, the figure rises to 29% and to 35% among "LGB (lesbian, gay or bisexual) youth.