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Sweating on the buttocks: Formerly affected person gives tips that helped him

10/12/2023, 2:56:21 PM

Highlights: Sweating on the buttocks: Formerly affected person gives tips that helped him. Most sweat glands are located on the soles of our feet. The exact distribution varies from person to person. Going to the sauna regularly is also supposed to train the body to regulate sweat production. The Frag-Mutti user "Blackspoon" recommends a sage cure, in which you drink one liter of sage tea every day for four weeks. It is said to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects and is even said to help against nervous sweating.

Status: 12.10.2023, 16:35 PM

By: Juliane Gutmann


Whether under the armpits or on the buttocks: sweat stains are often embarrassing for the "sweaters". But there are tips and tricks that are supposed to be effective against sweat on the buttocks.

Our body has up to four million sweat glands. Their most important task is to regulate body temperature. Most sweat glands are located on the soles of our feet, as the knowledge portal GEO informs. The reason for this is said to be found in our evolutionary history. Our ancestors are said to have found a better grip on the substrate through the secretion of moisture from the skin.

There are also many sweat glands under the armpits and on the hands. The exact distribution varies from person to person. Which part of the body sweats particularly heavily also varies from person to person. Some sweat more under the armpits, others more on the buttocks.

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It is not uncommon for feelings of shame to arise when you observe sweat stains on yourself. Some people even suffer from complexes because of it. Many have already tried everything to cope with the unpleasant sweating. Various deodorants were tried up to the special quick-drying laundry.

Do you sweat more on your butt? Quite a few people are affected. © Kniel Synnatzschke/Imago

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There are countless tips circulating on the net that are supposed to be effective against sweating on the buttocks. A former affected person explains on the advice website Ask Mutti what helped her:

  • Reduce body fat: Even seemingly slim people can have a high body fat percentage. The Frag-Mutti user with the nickname "Blackspoon" writes: "Fat likes to settle on the stomach and buttocks. After I had gained two kilos by taking medication, which is actually not much in itself, this led to real sweating on my buttocks. When they were down again, I sweated a lot less."
  • Sage cure: Sage has been used as a medicinal plant for a long time. Among other things, it is said to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Sage is even said to help against nervous sweating. The Frag-Mutti user "Blackspoon", who was formerly affected by buttock sweat, therefore recommends a sage cure, in which you drink one liter of sage tea every day for four weeks.


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  • Avoid spicy food and alcohol: Both stimulate blood circulation and thus the production of sweat.
  • Exercising: "If you ensure controlled sweating, you sweat a little less afterwards or between them," according to a report from "Blackspoon".
  • Going to the sauna regularly: Going to the sauna is also supposed to train the body to regulate sweat production, according to the experience of the former sufferer(s).

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It is in no way a substitute for a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editorial team is not allowed to answer individual questions about clinical pictures.