The Limited Times

Betting, Abodi: 'We work to draw up a charter of duties' - Football

10/13/2023, 12:26:44 PM

Highlights: Betting, Abodi: 'We work to draw up a charter of duties' - Football Minister: 'Ethical codes are not enough, we need awareness' (ANSA). "I will work, comparing myself with other colleagues and the world of sport, for the elaboration of a Charter of duties," says Abodi. "We need a further awareness and assumption of responsibility, individual and systemic", adds the Minister for Sport and Youth, Andrea Abodi, ANSA, on the sidelines of Tennis & Friends.

Minister: 'Ethical codes are not enough, we need awareness' (ANSA)

"I will work, comparing myself with other colleagues and the world of sport, for the elaboration of a charter of duties, in which doping, illicit betting and visions of transmissions on pirate platforms are made explicit in an act that every member, especially of professional sports, will have to sign, because evidently what the contracts and ethical codes say are not enough. We need a further awareness and assumption of responsibility, individual and systemic". So the Minister for Sport and Youth, Andrea Abodi, ANSA, on the sidelines of Tennis & Friends at the Foro Italico commenting on the betting case.

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