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Conte, we will take legal action against the president of the Jewish Community of Milan - Politics

10/13/2023, 2:04:49 PM

Highlights: Conte, we will take legal action against the president of the Jewish Community of Milan - Politics. "We waited and hoped for a respiscence, but there was no denial" (ANSA). "I confirm it, I am not afraid. Just go and read what they write. We don't want them," Meghnagi said of the 5 Star Movement. "If he wants, I can give him someone important, or give him and his deputies even for free", he said of Conte.

"We waited and hoped for a respiscence, but there was no denial" (ANSA)

"We waited and hoped for a reluctance, but there was no denial. We will therefore take legal action against Mr. Meghnagi, because we cannot allow him this serious, intolerable defamation, which throws mud on the values, ideas and history of the representatives, activists, citizens who support our political community." This was written by M5S leader Giuseppe Conte in a long post on Facebook, returning to the words of the president of the Jewish community of Milan Walker Meghnagi, who accused the pentastellati of anti-Semitism.

Yesterday, from the stage of the presidium in favor of Israel in the Cairoli area, organized by the Jewish Community of Milan with the support of Il Foglio, Meghnagi said that "We know that tonight a party is missing. We do not want them because they are anti-Semitic. We do not want them. All the Jews of Milan are united, all the Jews in Italy are united." To those who asked him on the sidelines of the demonstration if he was referring to the 5 Star Movement, he said: "I confirm it, I am not afraid. Just go and read what they write. We don't want them." And as for Conte, he added that "he must study, read some books. If he wants, I can give him someone important, or give lessons to him and his deputies even for free".

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