The Limited Times

Giovani Confindustria, 'relaunching confrontation between social partners' - Last hour

10/13/2023, 1:44:02 PM

Highlights: Giovani Confindustria,'relaunching confrontation between social partners' - Last hour. "The time has come to put bargaining back at the centre. Even second-level" as a "natural place to link productivity and wages" "Above all, for young people and women. Unemployment and inactivity rates are no longer sustainable" It is "we must fight the battle for safety at work" - Riccardo DiStefano, president of the Youth of Conf industry.

Unfortunately, dialogue between social partners "for some time, unfortunately, has become tiring. Leaving some fundamental questions about the future of work unanswered" notes the president of the Youth of Confindustria, Riccardo Di Stefano. (ANSA)

Unfortunately, dialogue between social partners "for some time, unfortunately, has become tiring. Leaving some fundamental questions about the future of work unanswered" notes the president of the Youth of Confindustria, Riccardo DiStefano. "The time has come to put bargaining back at the centre. Even second-level" as a "natural place to link productivity and wages, expand the welfare offer, structure a working time that reconciles life and profession".
"Above all, for young people and women. Unemployment and inactivity rates are no longer sustainable." It is "we must fight the battle for safety at work".

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