The Limited Times

Government-social partners meetings on the maneuver - Politics

10/13/2023, 5:44:28 PM

Highlights: Government-social partners meetings on the maneuver - Politics. At Palazzo Chigi with Mantovano, Giorgetti, Calderone and Leo. Landini: 'I'm not going' (ANSA). According to what is learned, the meeting between the government and social partners forthe presentation of the budget bill in view of the Council of Ministers has begun. The trade union and employers' delegations are represented by Christian Ferrari for Cgil, Luigi Sbarra for Cisl, Domenico Proietti for Uil.

At Palazzo Chigi with Mantovano, Giorgetti, Calderone and Leo. Landini: 'I'm not going' (ANSA)

According to what is learned, the meeting between the government and social partners forthe presentation of the budget bill in view of the
launch in the Council of Ministers has begun at Palazzo Chigi. For the executive are present the Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council Alfredo Mantovano, the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti, the Minister of Labor Marina Calderone and the Deputy Minister of Economy Maurizio Leo.

The trade union and employers' delegations are represented by Christian Ferrari for Cgil, Luigi Sbarra for Cisl, Domenico Proietti for Uil, Francesco Paolo Capone for Ugl, Francesca Mariotti for Confindustria, Giovanni Sabatini for Abi, Maria Bianca Farina for Ania, Giacomo Basso for Casartigiani, Claudio Giovine for Cna, Marco Granelli for Confartigianato, Lino Enrico Stoppani for Confcommercio, Nico Gronchi for Confesercenti, Ettore Prandini for Coldiretti, Massimiliano Giansanti for Confagricoltura, Tommaso Battista for Copagri, Marco Mingrone for Alleanza Cooperative Italiane, Angelo Raffaele Margiotta for

"At today's meeting the CGIL will be present, I am not going", said a few hours earlier the secretary general of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini, at a press conference, underlining that it will be a "meeting that will last an hour and a half to which 17 associations are invited, followed by another meeting with 17 other associations. They convene us on Friday evening and on Monday there is the Council of Ministers on the maneuver", added Landini, claiming that he had "no response" to the request for a meeting made at the end of August by the CGIL, nor "there were other opportunities for negotiation". This logic means "not recognising the role of the social partners", he adds.

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