The Limited Times

Hamas, enemy of the Palestinians

10/13/2023, 4:04:19 AM

Highlights: Hamas, enemy of the Palestinians. By exposing the residents of the Gaza Strip to the Israeli army's terrible response, the terror group cannot decently claim to be. In a matter of hours last weekend, the whole world discovered the horror and savagery of Hamas. Everything is already written in the charter published by this terrorist organization as early as 1988. The great project is there, detailed article by article, which aims at nothing other than to the destruction of our civilizational values.

By exposing the residents of the Gaza Strip to the Israeli army's terrible response, the terror group cannot decently claim to be

In a matter of hours last weekend, the whole world discovered the horror and savagery of Hamas, but, basically, everything is already written in the charter published by this terrorist organization as early as 1988. The great project is there, detailed article by article, which aims at nothing other than the destruction of our civilizational values.

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